jhaugen445 Member


  • Hi! I haven't been on MFP on a consistent basis lately. Looks like I've missed a lot! To those of you that are struggling, I'm praying for you. For those of you that have had successes, I'm rejoicing with you. Happy Birthday to the two birthday girls. My mom shares your birthday. I'm trying to get back on track. I really…
  • Hi Friends! I was hospitalized for an interaction between my meds. My dear husband tried to wake me and I was unresponsive. I ended up in the Cardiac Care Unit. There is about a 24-36 hour period of my life that I don't remember. That feels really weird! Thankfully they were able to treat me. Now I'm home. Still not…
  • Hi all! I haven't checked in for a while. I've been reading the posts but haven't posted. Cindy your fruit basket and cake were awesome! You could go into business! I'm glad all of the graduation events went well. I'm trying to get back on track with my eating and logging. I'm easing back into exercise. Sometimes just…
  • Way to go Barb even when you are sick! QT- I'm impressed with your strength to say no to the binge! Thanks for the compliment about my boys. Cindy- Happy Anniversary! I pray your tests go well. I did cry at James' graduation. "Pomp and Circumstance" always gets me. When I cried it was a mixture of pride, happiness, and…
  • I'm sticking with: Log my food everyday. And adding: Walk slowly for 15-20 minutes, three days a week. (Increasing pace and time as recovery allows.)
  • Thank you for the compliments on the pics of my boys. Cindy, they make me smile everyday. :) I'll tell them that they made you happy too. I am very blessed.
  • Megan, I'm glad you are seeing a counselor. Grief can be overwhelming. You remain in my prayers. Know that whenever you need us, we'll be here for you.
  • In top two pics, first one is my graduate, James III. Second is my boys being their goofy selves. Love it! Trying to hold James are Adam, Noah, and Caleb. :)
  • Standing is my graduate, James. Kneeling are my twins, Caleb and Adam Laying is my Noah! :)
  • Thank you, Liz and Alice! :) Some powerful words about fear, Alice. I really needed to hear that. Thanks again! All I can say is: You go girls!!! B)
  • Thanks Alice! :)
  • I totally understand not having a full signal. I could eat and eat and eat some more. I don't know if I don't have one or have ignored it so long that I can't "feel" it. I have to go by portion size and calories. I do have a hunger signal but I think it may be "broken" too. One can't be hungry all the time! ;) So I have to…
  • I just have one baby step for this week: Log my food.
  • I'm getting tired of being tired. I get exhausted just taking a shower! ;) I'm only allowed to walk short distances and slowly. I'm not to lift anything over 10 pounds. If I do too much, I pay for it the next day. I need to remember that 80% of weight loss is what you eat. I really need to get back to logging my foods.…
  • I too have Major depression, bipolar II, and anxiety disorder. I often wonder if I'm fighting my meds to lose weight!? I know my binges are because of my chemical and emotional issues. My baby step for this week is to eat when hungry, not when emotional.
  • On the weigh in question, I have always liked Friday morning too. Not really sure why! ;) Hugs to all of you! Have a super weekend! :)
  • I'm still praying for all of you! Thank you for being my friends! B)
  • Alice- great ideas and a beautiful heartfelt post. I would have gained so much weight over the last three weeks of in activity if it weren't for all of MFP buddies. Between my mom cooking & baking then my mother-in-law doing the same. Then church members bringing dinners & desserts, if I wasn't solid in my commitment to…
  • Love the "Dear fat girl" one. I always feel like a skinny girl trapped in a big body!
  • Ms s- I'll pray for strength and peace for you as you grieve the loss of your friends.
  • Alice- My boys & hubby have been awesome not only spoiling me on Mother's Day but everyday since my surgery. I'm still praying for healing and patience for you. I told my boys that I'm not a very patient patient! ;) What a darling little one! Great smile! Cindy- Your daughter looked absolutely beautiful! She will always…
  • Thank you all for reminding me to take time to heal. I'm retiring my super mom cape, for now! ;) Your posts make me laugh, smile, and encourage me each day! :)
  • It cut off my post. So here's the rest. I had laparoscopic robotic surgery. Just 5 holes that are "glued" shut. A lot of bruising around them though. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! I've been home 4 days now. Lots of sleeping/resting. I try to do "circuits" around the house, when I can, to avoid blood clots…
  • I made it through surgery!
  • Have a safe trip, Barb and Cindy. I'll try to log in tomorrow before my surgery. Gotta keep my streak alive!!!
  • Oops! :D
  • Welcome EM! I hope you find this group as wonderful as I do!
  • Welcome EM! I hope you find this group as wonderful as I do!
  • Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement! I'll keep in touch and let you know how the surgery went.