Every day chats!



  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Moment of truth - I gained 3 pounds during my parents' two-week visit. Time to get back on plan!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday!

    Barb - It sounds like you had an awesome visit with your folks. I am sorry for you with your dad, I lost mine to emphysema (26 years ago) and to the end he was still trying to smoke, he couldn't give it up. But as you say it is your dad's choice. (((Hugs)))

    Marcella and Jen - It is good to see both of you. I hope you both are feeling better and catching up with life :)

    Cindy - I hope you are getting enough sleep. :)

    Hi Everyone else :)

    I hope all you ladies have an awesome week and achieve the goals you set for yourself for the week. <3
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Well, it was a toughie. Definitely did not eat great this weekend and I am shocked that I put up a loss this morning. I had to get on & off the scale 3X to make sure I was reading the number right. Back on track today though. I hope everyone's holiday was fabulous.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Yay Noodle!!!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    I had a great day off today after working all week end! I finally went into the pool and got in my FIRST swim of the season!!! I have started a new nutritional program called isagenix. It's kinda pricey but you actually use it in place of meals so it cuts down on the grocery bill. A friend of mine introduced me to it...she started out bigger than me and is now a size 6 after only 10 mos! She says she has more energy than she has had in 20 yrs! It's all natural...no gluten, GMOs...anyway I have been doing it for a week and have broken my plateau and feel pretty good. I am actually sleeping better and don't feel like a zombie for the first time in MONTHS so... so far so good for me!!!!

    Barb~ I'm so glad you got some quality time with your parents! Sorry you had to see him struggle so...that really hard to watch with someone we love! (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) to you!

    Liz~ You've been kind of quiet lately....how are YOU????

    Noodle~ You have probably UPPED your metabolism with all your AWESOME swimming!!!! KUDOS to you!!!

    I hope everyone else enjoyed your holiday and find your way back soon!! Have a FAB_U_LOSS week my friends!!!
  • EMCOX5412
    EMCOX5412 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Glad to see everyone had a nice holiday. I am losing at a snails pace but it is losing so I will not complain..
    Yay Noodle that's awesome, can you step on the scale for me please...
    Mystic I see you are back to basics, nothing wrong with that
    Barb glad you enjoyed your time with your folks, thats what matters most...
    Cindy how is NH??? Please be careful w/ the Isagenix, my sister used to sell it, it is more a marketing scam than anything. But once you stop and you go back to regular food you will gain it all back. It only continues to work if that is what you continue to eat for the rest of your life...I am glad your friend has success, as it does work, but it is a total scam. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You just can't ever stop buying it, and I mean ever...
    It's actually not meant as a weight loss program it is supposed to be a CLEANSE type product. I hope it works and I just want you to be very careful on it...

    It's finally summer, yeah... I love summer...
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    NH is awesome! So far this summer has been pretty mild and enjoyable. Thanks for your concern Em. I truly appreciate your words of warning! I understand isagenix is a cleansing system...which is how they market themselves. I did A LOT of research before buying the product. I actually actively looked things up and researched for 6 months prior to committing to try it! Since it's meal replacements, it's actually is not as expensive as I thought in the beginning... my grocery bill has gone down. But not only has my weight loss stepped up...I feel GREAT!!! I am not walking around feeling like a zombie like I was before. And they do have products that you can use on maintenance but if you stick to your healthy eating habits once you are at goal, you can maintain your loss. The fact that it is kinda pricey keeps me motivated to not want to ruin my results...plus the meals that we eat are supposed to be natural and nutrient dense...so I am building good eating habits. This is the first time in a long time, with many diet fads and programs, that I feel energized and healthier! AND I do NOT feel deprived...my cravings are just about non existent! That alone is worth the price...especially with the hours I work. Yesterday was a 25 1/2 hr long day for me...I didn't feel really tired until the 23 hr mark! I know I couldn't do that every day but I KNOW I would have felt so much worse if I were not getting healthier. My sleep is getting better (the quality of it) I have not only lost weight...I have lost 10 1/2 inches in 2 weeks...I feel this is money well spent when I feel soooo good!!! If you think about the money we spend on "food" that makes us feel tired and CRAPPY, why is that OK but not on something that makes us feel good and energized to actually FUEL our body nutritionally... we question it? We have to buy "food" for the rest of our lives too! Not to mention the money I have spent on programs like weight watchers that didn't even include products....just someone talking to me, they do HAVE products which are VERY expensive because they are NOT included in the program and nothing but chemicals and processed junk! So I really believe the isagenix is a good investment!

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and getting some play time in!!! It's been awfully quiet in here!!! Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!
  • EMCOX5412
    EMCOX5412 Posts: 43 Member
    That's great Cindy I really am happy for you. Congrats on the 10" loss. That's awesome.. you have done your research and you know what u r getting into. I look foward to hearing about your loss.....
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Thanks Em~ and I do TRULY appreciate your words of concern! (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Wow so much posted since I was last on here. I can't read through it all or I would be here for hours but I just wanted to give a quick shout out. I love all your pictures and celebrations, accomplishments and activity.

    I still have only lost about 10 pounds since January. I now work out almost daily. My Doctor has me on low doses of Metformin as I have PCOS which makes it very difficult to lose weight. I'm on a very low dose as it makes me get muscle cramps really bad.

    In between binges and PCOS, I'm just not losing like I want. I know my magic number for weight loss is 1600 calories and if I could just stick with it I MAY lose. I always seem to be over. I am hungry all the time. My Doctor also has me on Electrolyte drinks, none calorie kind. So if you see it in my logs a lot, don't judge me lol, I have to drink it or I cramp up badly with the Metformin.

    I lowered my carbs and sugar intake, it's helping. I had a 3 day binge starting on the Fourth of July and after. I'm glad that's over with. It wasn't anything with emotions, it was all about feeling hungry.

    I'm hopeful with the Metformin. Time will tell, but I need a kick in the butt to not go over my calories.

    Have a great week my lost friends. Karen
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Well, my weight loss has stalled for about 3 months now. Today, I just logged my starting weight for a new group's 12 week challenge. My goal is 15 pounds in 12 weeks. After 3 months of maintaining, my body/mind should be ready for this. I know my mirror's ready!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    MdwstQT wrote: »
    I hit the road tomorrow and I'll be back next week.
    I'm determined to enjoy myself, spend quality time with family members who appreciate me, remain binge free, and drama/negativity free!

    How was the trip?
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Friends! I was hospitalized for an interaction between my meds. My dear husband tried to wake me and I was unresponsive. I ended up in the Cardiac Care Unit. There is about a 24-36 hour period of my life that I don't remember. That feels really weird! Thankfully they were able to treat me. Now I'm home. Still not feeling fully myself. But grateful to be alive!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Jen - I am glad you are all right (((hugs))). Take it easy and have a good restful weekend.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    jhaugen445 wrote: »
    Hi Friends! I was hospitalized for an interaction between my meds.

    So happy to see that you're better and on the mend. Welcome back!!! <3
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Everyone! It is so great to hear what is going on with you all.

    Noodle - congrats on your continued weight loss!

    Cindy - Bravo for the first swim of the season!

    En - congrats to you too on continuing to lose. Snail's pace loss is still a loss, and I am a firm believer that slow weight loss helps our bodies adjust to a PERMANENT change.

    Karen - it is so great to see you back here. I know you are disappointed with the 10lbs loss, but I hope you are also celebrating it. Losing 10 lbs and keeping it off is an accomplishment. Also now you are exercising every day, and I know that was really hard to figure out. <applause.

    Jhaugen - I am so sorry to hear about your hospitalization. I'm so glad you are all right and recovering.

    JMarcella - bravo on starting your new 12-week challenge!

    My check-in: it's been another chaotic week - we started a major home repair project, I have also been hosting an out-of-town colleague. I had a couple days where I was exercising and logging my food and then I just lost it. So I gained again this week - 0.2lbs - and it is really sobering. If I keep on this path I will regain all the weight I lost since January.

    So I am really trying to redouble my commitment to following my meal plan and staying under my calorie goal. Yesterday was the first day in a while that I rigorously logged my food, weighing and measuring everything. Today I am going out for lunch and I have planned ahead what I will eat and how I will adjust my other meals to keep under my calorie goal. I also made a healthy lentil salad last night that will be a good quick meal when I can't cook because of the construction in the house.

    Persistence not perfection, right? The truth is, I have been so stressed and fatigued for the past 8 weeks, that I just sometimes feel like it is all too much bother. In the moment, food makes me feel "better" or at least distracts me from being so tired and stressed. But I know from past experience that when I eat healthy food in appropriate amounts, that in time that helps me feel better.

    Thanks everyone and have a great week! - Barb
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi Ladies...I hope everyone is doing well ....I am hanging in there ....logged for the 1st day today since my mom's death....still very sad but still seeing a therapist ...taking one day at a time
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    edited July 2015
    MdwstQT wrote: »
    I hit the road tomorrow and I'll be back next week.
    I'm determined to enjoy myself, spend quality time with family members who appreciate me, remain binge free, and drama/negativity free!

    How was the trip?

    The good:
    I remained and still am binge free. I enjoyed the folks that enjoyed me. I got to see my two great nephews, two and eight months. They're so cute and chunky!

    The bad:
    Siblings haven't changed a bit. All of a sudden our mom is my mom! Gee thanks! Speaking of which, found out some very disturbing news about our mom. Too much to go into but our Mom is mentally ill and in denial and has been for YEARS! With these latest developments I'm praying for a miracle.

    The ugly:
    Speeding ticket on the way back. Emotionally drained and exhausted. Although I'm binge free and by that I mean easily eating 3,000+ calories in one sitting. I haven't been eating the best: skipped meals, lots o'beverages, and no balanced nutrition. I indulged in some sweets but nothing overboard.

    I'm finally rested up and able to focus back on me! I hope everyone is doing well.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    Wow so much going on here! I've tried to get on here a couple times in the last few days and kept getting a msg that says community not available...has anyone else seen that msg? I have my apt with the oncologist on Wednesday...a little anxiety but still hanging in there and keeping on track.

    Karen~ I will keep you in my prayers my friend! You are awesome with your stick to it attitude!!!!

    Jen~ You as well! Please keep us updated on how you are doing but mostly concentrate on keeping yourself well! That is a VERY SCAREY situation!!! Was it just a personal sensitivity or was this something that they should have paid attention to? My pharmacy has warned mw before when I had meds that may react badly together and we called the Dr office so they could change one of the meds! I was very grateful they caught it BEFORE there was an issue!

    Julia~ Good luck on your challenge!!! Do they give you challenges to complete? Or is it just an accountability group?

    Barb~You are an AMAZING inspiration! I love your attitude!

    Liz~ How are YOU doing???

    Megan~ So nice to hear you are actively doing for YOU!!! KUDOS my friend! I hope you keep getting better every day!!

    MdwstQT~ So sorry about your Mom...will keep your family in my prayers as well! Please stay on your plan for keeping yourself healthy! You are soooo worth it!!!

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and prayers to you all! I am soooo grateful to have you BEAUTIFUL souls on this journey with me! Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!!
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Oh my gosh, so much missed this past week.

    Jen: I'm so glad you're ok! I had a seizure a few years ago when my migrane meds interacted with my bp meds. So scary & now I'm obsessed with checking on this stuff. Plus, I had to take Pharmacology in Dental Hygiene school & you'd be suprized how many of my patients were taking different meds that had possible interactions that they didn't even know about. So important to keep a really good record of what you take & how much & discuss with your physicians & pharmacist before taking something new.

    Cindy: Yay for swimming! I'll be interested to hear your progress on isagenix. I've never heard of it before. I tried Herbalife a few years ago, but it just made me feel so sick to my stomach all the time, so I had to quit that. My boyfriend & I continue to try to make our meals on the weekends & portion everything out & that is working pretty well for us so I'll probably just keep doing that.

    Em: lol, I'd be happy to weigh in for you, but I don't think you'd want my weight, even after losing 46lbs. I'm still much heavier than most. I'm still in the Class III Obese (super obese) BMI category and have about 80lbs to lose before I'm in Class II (severely obese). It seems so far away, but even though my progress has slowed I'm determined to keep going.

    Barb: One day at a time. Too bad we can't take a break from our stresses. Luckily for me it has slowed down a bit at work, so I don't feel like a chicken with it's head cut off, but I still have to deal with Cranky Customers on a daily basis, which makes me want to run for the bagels/muffins/donuts in the break room, and while I do break down once in awhile, I try not to make a habit of it because I know it's just going to make me feel worse/guilty. Sometimes I think it's so unfair that we don't have our meals in pill form like on the Jetsons. 1 pill & you're instantly full.

    Our neighbor across the street has asked if she can go in on groceries & meal prep with us. She has lost most of her mobility due to extreme weight gain and various illnesses and her doctors are urging her to lose weight or face an early death. We help take care of her yard and now that her roommate is moving out we have agreed to help her with a few other tasks around the house like laundry, cleaning & grocery shopping, etc. She's so depressed & lonely & my heart just hurts for her. She's such a wonderful person & she has made her body a prison cell. I want to help her but I don't want to seem patronizing or pushy. I told her about MFP & said you can only do what you can do. So if you can't walk all the way to the end of the hall yet, just walk a few steps & back. Do what you can & build up to it. I will be here for you!! But at the same time I want to say, stop feeling sorry for yourself & do something!!! Sitting there isn't going to make you better!! I know how mean & judgemental that sounds in my head & that is exactly what many people said to me before I made the decision to lose weight & it made me feel more awful. It has to be up to the person. They have to want to make a change. My dad had to hit rock bottom before he went to AA. I had to hit rock bottom before I started to make changes to lose weight. Logically I know there is nothing I can do for this woman until she makes the decision, but it's so frustrating & it makes me feel so sad. I'm just going to keep encouraging her & try to help her in any way that she needs me & hope that she will make that decision sooner rather than later.

    So, sorry for the downer post this morning, ladies. I hope everyone can make the best of the (ug) Monday.