Every day chats!



  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hi All~
    I think weeks preceding and following holidays get a little crazy for everyone. My daughter and I have been helping out the people who own the barn where we board our horse. The lady fell and is on crutches so it's not like she can do much with the stalls or horses, the poor thing. She is a wonderful person and hates asking anyone for help so we just go over and do it so she can rest up and get better. Man what a workout! Lifting bails of hay and carrying water buckets and feed buckets! I'm exhausted!!!
    I judged wanted to pop on and say hi and send lots of good vibes your way!
    Have a FAB_U_LOSS NIGHT ALL! Sweet dreams!!!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone - so great to hear what everyone is up to, and I am so MOTIVATED by all your commitment!

    Noodle - congrats on the NSVs and the 25lb milestone!!! Inspiring!

    MdwstQT - congrats on the scale results!

    Alice - I am so admiring your persistence! I've had periods when I was not allowed to exercise for medical reasons and it's really hard. You are doing great at staying involved in your health. Patience pays off!

    Cindy - I think you should market your horse stall workout. There have got to be some folks out there that would pay big $$ for this combined cardio/strength training regime!

    This is not being an easy week for me. I am mostly eating out for work for most meals, which means richer and more processed foods than I like to eat. I've been eating at night too, not good. I have given into peer pressure and had dessert at three business meals, which is not ok for me - I am pre-diabetic, and giving up sugar and sweetened foods is the one thing that brought my blood sugar back to normal range.

    Here's what's been happening:

    My dinner partner (excited): "Let's just look at the dessert menu. Oooohhh, let's order one to share."

    Me: "I'm not hungry for dessert, but you go ahead, I'm going to order some tea."

    My dinner partner (disappointed): "Oh, well if you're not going to have anything, I won't either, we can just go."

    Me (feeling guilty because I ruined their good time, and worried because I don't want the meeting to end early): "Oh, no, it all looks so good, you pick something and we'll share it."

    My dinner partner: "Oh goody! If you order the cake and I order the flan, we can swap bites!"

    Me: "Ok."

    And then I eat my cake. and a bite or two of their flan. and I don't really enjoy either - it tastes amazing, and I get that huge sugar rush, but I know it is not good for me, and I know that as soon as I start eating sugar, my cravings will kick back in, and I'll get moody and have trouble not binging.

    I need to be honest here: no one is cramming food in my mouth! I'm the one picking up the fork. These are business meals, and I don't know these folks well. I know I could say, "Oh, I'm on a medical diet, so I can't," but I don't want to be different or weird....

    Sometimes I can't believe I'm actually 47 years old! My brain still acts like a teenager.

    Ok, here's the persistence: Today, I logged all my food (it helped that I worked from home today). I saw my physical therapist who always motivates me to take better care of myself. I packed a healthy lunch for tomorrow which I will bring to my noon meeting instead of eating the provided lunch. I feel so awkward eating out of my tupperware when everyone else is eating the lunch buffet, but it is time for me to worry less about how other people are feeling and worry more about what I'm putting into my body.

    It's going to be a long month, folks - I have three conferences and two lecture trips in the next three weeks. But no more codependent desserts!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hi everyone. I am finally feeling emotionally/psychologically better - it is amazing how the dopamine drops because of the unconsciousness negative thoughts that I was thinking I had suppressed but evidently not. Nonetheless, choosing to at least try to surrender to the process has got me through the past few weeks but this week I know I have put on weight - my scale is still lying but my NSV's tell me so (evidence - the return of the belly)!

    I don't mind because the greatest lessons learned is that in order to lose weight and feel energised:
    1. I don't have to kill myself exercising (I don't since I enjoy workouts);
    2. I can actually find lots of very tasty filling foods that fit within my calories for the day;
    3. I can go over the food calories for the day and not put on a gazillion kilos;
    4. I can have all my nutrients and eat them ;);
    5. I can be energised with the choice of foods that I eat;
    6. I can actually eat anything I like as long as it is within my calorie goals
    7. 1200 cals is neither enough or insufficient for a day - it depends on my activities and what I put into my body (macro nutrients);
    8. I am no where near as sedentary as I thought I was;
    9. Sodium intake makes me bloat - (water retention). Drinking water gets rid of water retention ... mmm... trying to figure that one out.

    Anyhow - 1 month of logging with no exercise at all has taught me far more about food and dieting than my dietician has in 3 months. I am also learning that although it is CICO (Calories In Calories Out), the macronutrients really do play a huge part on how much and how fast we gain or lose weight and body fat can actually increase as we lose weight if we are not eating the right nutrients and also using weights to tone and either build or strengthen muscle.

    Low Cal diets with insufficient proteins and fats lead to injuries like mine because I was actually burning more muscle than fat.

    So enough of the science around dieting - Have a fantastic Good Friday for those of you who observe it.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Thanks Barbs. I hear you on the guilt eating during business trips. But it seems that writing the whole process out has given you insights about the behaviours that you need to change and also about the actions you need to take to turn things around for yourself.

    I know I could say, "Oh, I'm on a medical diet, so I can't," but I don't want to be different or weird....

    Absolutely and they will think you are weird for all of 2 seconds but you would have made a clear statement about YOUR desires and YOUR choice, which in no way invites any comment from your colleagues, leaving them free to make their own. I am sure there would be no talk of shortening the meeting because it would appear rude and insensitive. What you might actually find is someone saying sheepishly, actually "I am too, so let's skip dessert... and still carry on the meeting anyway."

    It seems that once everyone has dessert, everyone leaves - why not have a fruit or flower infusion/tea instead - green tea is excellent.

    And Kudos to you for braving the gym despite the ugly comments and logging your food regardless of what you eat. Saying no to dessert, could be your next baby step.

    By the way, do they not cater for special diets during conferences in the states? We have Kosher, Halal, Gluten-Free, Diabetic and Other special diet needs at all of our big events/conferences and on airplanes. They do not always have Gluten-Free and I will often opt for Kosher or Halal because they have the most tasty foods made with raw ingredients (no processed foods) and they are usually good for other healthy food choices also.

    Anyway, good luck with your month of conferencing. Take care of your teenager, and make the right choices for her ;)
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Barb, Thank you so much for your honesty! I see myself in so much of what you said. You are an inspiration to me!
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Alice, So glad you are feeling better. It was great to read your insights into eating! Thanks!

    Blessed Good Friday!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Cindy - WOW! I haven't bucked hay bales in years or mucked out a stable. I don't know if I could even do it. You need to write a book, Non Traditional Exercise: How I Went From Fat to Fit Shoveling Snow & Cleaning Stables. It would be a best seller!

    Barb - Could you maybe say, "I didn't think to save room for dessert, I can't eat another bite." Then suggest that they go ahead order dessert and a to go box so they can take the rest with them to enjoy later.

    Alice - You are amazing. I am glad you got to go to the pool. I need to work on my food choices and making sure I get my protein without more sodium.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and for those who celebrate it a Happy Easter.
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Alice, Cindy, JHaugen, Mystic Liz, and all - you all are the best. Thanks for the helpful tips and helping me laugh at myself too. Because, I really can be ridiculous sometimes!

    I did not follow my food plan today but I did NOT eat any codependent desserts (or any non-codependent desserts) so that is something.

    Hugs to everyone with good wishes for a healthy, happy weekend. Whatever spring rites you celebrate, enjoy this turn of the year!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello my lovely LOST friends!!!
    I worked at the barn today again...and I'm exhausted at work. It's been a CRAZY BUSY week for me! Looking forward to a fairly quiet Easter with my family...should be a nice day off...my only one for 2 weeks!
    Liz~ you crack me up! That could be a very funny book...especially if I had to describe how bad I smelled when I left the barn today...I needed a very long shower! I wish the fit part would get here! Lol although I truly am noticing a lot more energy! And honestly...the working at the barn is a lot more enjoyable than the shoveling was...at least I didn't have to worry about falling *kitten* over tea kettle...
    I hope you all are having a great week! And will get to enjoy some relaxation and family time!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    It's awesome to check in here :-)

    Julia hang in there. You made a whole bunch of great choices, stuck to them and so the results. Don't forget that one off day is not a habit - we are only human, therefore by definition, we are not perfect ;D

    Barbs, Liz, Cindy, Jen you are all my Hero's, I mean Heroins :D. Just keep doing what you are doing. And Cindy, I want an autographed copy of that book once you've finished it please... Cindy, our resident star B)

    Noodle, QT, Karen, Nekrebel, MS - pls remember to drop in more often for a high injection of love and motivation :wink:
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    To all of you- I wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter and Happy Spring!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi just checking in.

    Alice, I love your new avatar, you will be doing that in no time!

    I am not worrying about my food choices tomorrow. While this is one of my favorite seasons, I will be glad when the Reese Peanut Butter Eggs disappear. They sing the song of my people and I find I must answer and indulge. Mark is on his way to Canada so it will just be me and the girls for supper tomorrow. My oldest Mikala will go to mass with us in the morning, then we will have scallop potatoes and ham with fresh asparagus for out mid-day meal. It is suppose to be nice, so I think we will go to the park and look at the river after our meal.

    Happy thoughts to all of you!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Easter All You LOVELY LOST Ladies!!!!
    This is my family today...(I am in the pink) notice my BAGGY clothes...I look like a ragamuffin (as my Grandmother would have said) but right now, I'm actually happy about that...it means I am shrinking!!!
    This is me...my hubby (Jim)...my daughter (Kyli) and my Mom (Barbara)
    Have a FAB_U_LOSS evening my friends!!!!

    fam.jpg 193.5K
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Cindy what a beautiful family and you look GREAT!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all, I just wanted to check in. I am heading into a long stretch of work travel and conferences where I will not have a lot of control about my food. I've thought about it a lot this weekend and tried to come up with some principles I can follow over the next five weeks. For what it's worth, here's my plan:

    1) continue not eating sugar and sweetened foods.

    2) When I can prepare my own food, I'll eat the regular meals and snacks I would normally eat.

    3) Instead of logging my food, which I have been finding frustrating because I can't control the ingredients, I'm going to use the "my plate" method: 1 plate of food at each meal (no seconds), and serve myself 1/2 vegetables, 1/4 carbs, 1/4 protein on the plate.

    4) One of my biggest challenges as a vegetarian is not getting enough protein. I will carry some easy protein with me in my work bag - packs of almonds and Quest bars. If I don't get enough protein in a meal, I will have a protein snack afterwards.

    5) I'm going to try to pack my own food as much as I can, but I know that won't always be possible. I've made a short list of healthy foods I can almost always find at convenience stores, gas stations, etc.: low-fat cheese sticks, small packs of almonds or peanuts, apples and oranges, dried fruit, yogurt, whole grain crackers like Triscuit or Wheat Thins, tomato juice or V8 juice. If I need an "emergency" meal or snack, that's my shopping list!

    Looking at this list, I realize that my priority for the next few weeks is to not fall back into binge behaviors. I may gain a little weight back over the next five weeks, but I would rather gain a couple of pounds eating a balanced diet than fall back into unhealthy eating.

    Thanks everyone for reading! I am sure I will be bouncing back on to this list as I am able, for moral support and encouragement! You guys are all amazing, and I feel so lucky to be on this journey with you.

    Happy spring!

  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Beautiful family Cindy!

    Great goals you've set for yourself Barb!

    My emotions have been all over the place this past week. I need to practice self control. I can be on an emotional roller coaster but that doesn't mean that I can binge!

    Today has been binge free and I want to build off of that. Tomorrow I'm going to get food for the week.

    It's been an eye opener, I slipped back into old habits quickly. If picked myself up and dusted off, ready to put one foot in front of the other.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Cindy- You are looking fabulous! And you have a great looking family!

    Barb- As always you inspire me with your insights and dedication to health!

    QT- Just keep going one day at a time. You can be binge free. Be kind and gentle with yourself.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Cindy you have an awesome family. You look amazing and I love your hair :smiley:
    Barb we'll be riding along the journey in your pocket. You've made a whole lot of great choices there.
    QT - Do exactly that, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and keep moving forwards" ;)
    Hope you had a fab Easter Liz B)

    I am so happy to have the moon boot off! Yaaaay! But my son insists on driving me to and from work again this week (I think he is right though).
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Cindy you're looking amazing! Lovely family.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Cindy - Nice looking family. I think I see some clear ground behind you, is the snow finally melting? It does look like you need to hit the thrift store for some threads :)

    Barb - I like your plan. Having a plan in place is half the battle. You will do great. Do you get to work out while you are on the road?

    QT - It is so good to see you! You got this!

    Alice - I am glad you are getting rid of the boot! Enjoy having your son drive you.

    ZumbaGypsy - Welcome!

    Jen, Karen, Noodle, Julia, Ms. S, NE, and anyone I have forgotten - Hi! Have an awesome week!!!