Every day chats!



  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Liz; Stress is a pain in the *kitten*! I am hoping you can be gentle with yourself through this move and it's okay to feel down, change is hard, stress makes it worse and with your husband gone it must feel overwhelming and like everything is on your shoulders. I'm sure he is supportive and helps as much as he can when he is there. Just keep telling yourself this will be over soon and once the move is over you can settle back in your groove and pick up again. In the meantime treat yourself to a candle lit bath , a long soak, or something that will make the move easier for you like enlisting help from friends or neighbors.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind words. I was on a 2 week binge and haven't binged in about 4 or 5 days now so doing well. I am not weighing for awhile so that's why you don't see any weight loss reports from me. I'm hoping when I do weigh I will finally be below 300 lbs so I may even wait until beginning of May to weigh in. Blessings to all. Let's keep moving and logging and checking in.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Karen- I'm glad you are back on track. Keep going! You can take charge of what you eat! Sometimes the scale can just depress you so don't weigh in until you feel ready. Take care of you! Your friend, Jen
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks Jen. You are too sweet.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    The foot is healing slowly but I will have the moon boot on for 2 additional weeks. I was hoping to start driving again this week but it still has to wait.

    I wish you a smooth and rapid move and that you settle very quickly into your new home.

    I'm just popping in to log in at the moment because my mindset is in the space of "just do what you need to do and then go to sleep..."
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    aaliceinw wrote: »
    The foot is healing slowly but I will have the moon boot on for 2 additional weeks. I was hoping to start driving again this week but it still has to wait.

    I'm just popping in to log in at the moment because my mindset is in the space of "just do what you need to do and then go to sleep..."

    Glad to hear you're still taking such good care of yourself. Sweet dreams.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Friends~
    Another CRAZY busy day for me and we ended it with a great work out at the gym. My hubby even came! I did 1.78 miles in 35 minutes! Plus did some weight machines for upper body work out!

    Liz~ I hope our moving duties are a little less stressful and you are being kind to yourself. Looks like you've done a great job squeezing in some workouts!

    aaliceinw~ So glad you are taking care of your ankle,,,sorry it ha postponed your long awaited diving again! But you are doing amazing!!!

    Jen~ You did great your 1st week...how is this week going for you?

    Karen~Keep up that positive attitude of yours!!!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS night my friends!!
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    aaliceinw-I pray that you continue to heal and for patience. You are inspiring us because you have kept going and not used it as an excuse to overeat!

    Cindy- So far this week is going ok. I'm looking forward to starting my exercise tomorrow. I'm going to weigh in on Fridays. I am trying to break my "addiction" to weighing myself everyday. If I was down-good day. If I was up- bad day. I'm not going to let the scale ruin my day. Easter time won't be easy. Lots of CHOCOLATE even at church! :o I am planning on having a little.
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Jhaugen - it's inspiring to hear that you are making progress on evening eating. That is still a big challenge for me!

    Alice and all - thanks for sharing about the easter chocolate challenges! These holidays are a big temptation. Here in California the first fresh local strawberries are now available in stores and I am trying to focus my holiday splurges on that. But it's not easy when you're surrounded by chocolate!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all, I started a new thread "quarterly reflections" because it's been 3 months since I joined MFP. I would love to hear what each of you might say about your experience on MFP this winter and what your larger goals are for spring!
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Hello ladies! Oh my gosh, I have missed so much in the last 2 weeks! Congrats to all of the successes, both scale & nsv's. You are all amazing & inspiring and also real people who have setbacks, yet keep going & that is just so awesome. Well, I had the job from hell drop in week before last & it took all of my time & energy, worked 10 hours a day and Saturdays, but it ships out today, so thank GOD!!!! BTW, my full-time job is as a postal rep for a printing company. I saw Cindy was wearing a USPS shirt in her hair-do picture, so either she or someone she knows works for them! Funny, since I deal with millions of pounds of mail every week myself! lol!

    Anyway, now that this dreadful job is mere hours away from being out of my life (until the next mailing), I have a few minutes to catch up. Miraculously I have been steadily losing weight. Frankly I think it's a combo between being too dead tired to eat much & busing my butt in the pool every morning. I have to tear it up there because I'm essentially chained to my desk all day & I feel like I'm going to slip into a coma if I don't move my body!

    So, I hit a couple of goals since the last time I was here. I hit 25lbs, so I bought myself the Garmin VivoSmart. I haven't had a change to use it yet though because I've seriously been that busy. BUT! I am dedicating one night this week to charging it & setting everything up because it's been sitting on my kitchen table in a box for over two weeks now & it's killing me not using it!

    Second, I've officially ordered new clothes & a new swim suit. As of this morning I've lost over 37 lbs & my clothes are so baggy they look unprofessional. My pants looked like clown pants! lmbo! So anyway, good thing I got my tax return so I could order a few pairs of work pants & a couple of blouses, I was looking pretty comical for awhile. My swimsuit hasn't come yet, but I'm looking forward to wearing one that fits & squishes everything down instead of everything being able to flap around. Gross, I know, but a true story none the less.

    I've missed all of you ladies & I'm hoping to keep in better touch with you all!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Noodle, It is so good to see you! Way to go!!! Even with the schedule from hell, you met your commitment for getting to the pool and swimming. Look how that paid off. You are awesome!!! I bet your tracker is going to spur you on to greater achievements. Nice to get new clothes, don't forget knickers :#.
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Just popping in to wish you guys well. I'm still here, despite my disordered eating I lost a pound.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    It is good to see you QT!!! :)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    It's great to see everyone back today and it really is inspiring to hear all of your stories.

    Noodle I cannot believe you work so hard and manage to get all that swimming in. Well done. I loved reading about your wardrobe hiccups. My work pants are also falling off me. I'm going into winter and didn't realise I now have to by new trousers too. You are doing so incredibly well! I'm sure you must have lost half your body weight :D When you set up on the vivosmart, we can follow each other on Garmin Connect - once I get active again, that is!

    Liz you always make giggle. It's true we need to keep our knickers on :)

    Cindy! Wow! you are rocking the house at the moment. You got your groove back! Yaaaaay! You are really awesome! B)

    Jen thanks very much for the healing prayers - every little bit extra helps. I hope you will have a fantastic week this week too.

    Barbs it was Jen who has all the delicious choccie ideas :wink: I would easily go many for the strawberries... dipped in dark chocolate! Yum! It's awesome to see your commitment to your dreams. You also rock.

    QT - Hang in there. We are here all of the time and it's great to see you pop in from time to time.

    Hugs to all the other ladies. I love this place.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    I can't believe how quickly time seems to be FLYING lately! My daughters graduation is approaching way too quickly!
    I have a training class to go to the last week in April out in Oklahoma (UGH) I don't mind the training but they put me on days for a week and throws my whole system off plus I hate that I have no control over my food where I'm staying. I try to pick good choices but they seem to add salt in EVERYTHING and I don't salt anything so I blow up like a balloon! Although they do have GREAT work out facilities there. I will also be going again in either July or August for THREE WEEKS! And man Oklahoma is HOT in July and August! When I was there in August and part of September last year (for FIVE weeks) we had 12 days in a row that were between 104 and 111!!! Which wouldn't be sooo bad if I could literally sweat my butt off LOL!

    Jen~ Glad your week is going so well! I couldn't imagine weighing every day!!! Too much stress attached to me…I am still working on the “not being a slave to the scale”! And I must admit…I’m not doing well with that! I KNOW in my mind that it’s not all about the scale…it’s about getting healthy and feeling good but I still get REALLY upset with myself when that scale doesn't show my hard work. When I have an off week…I am OK…I own it but when I work hard and it doesn't go down I beat myself up still. That is a BIG baby step I’m working on…stopping the self-demeaning. And I am also having a piece or two of chocolate here and there but will log it and keep myself in check!

    Barb~ I love your “quarterly reflections” and will be adding mine soon! Thank you so much! You are an awesome inspiration!

    Noodle~ I know what it is to be busy!!! We are here when you have time and especially if you need us! You are making me want to open our pool…even though we still have over a foot of snow on the ground! Let me know what you think of your Vivosmart…I have the Vivofit and LOVE it! Does yours have to be charged regularly? One of the things I LOVE about mine is I do NOT have to charge it…it runs on a watch battery. Once you are up…let me know if you want to connect on Garmin Connect…my user name there is fit2bme. And by the way…Yes, I do work for the Postal Service. I am an ET (electronic technician) I work on the automated machines and equipment in one of the large facilities. That’s why I work over nights…the mail is moved and processed overnight so it’s ready for carriers to deliver during the day.

    Liz~ How goes the move my friend? I hope it’s getting less stressful. Remember one day/ one step at a time! Your word for the week is DELEGATE LOL…I know that’s a tough one for me too!!! I sent an invite to join us here…I don’t know of any other way for now!

    MdwstQT~ So good to see you! Congrats on the loss…never look a gift horse in the mouth LOL! I think you forget to give yourself enough credit!! You are ROCKIN it…which probably means the good habits are really setting in for you!

    Aaliceinw~ I’m glad to hear you are being kind to yourself! I do have my groove back! And I must say…I feel good!!! Da na na na na….LOL I hope you get to get yours back soon!!!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS night my friends!!!

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Happy Weds. We are half way through the week. I am sending happy thoughts to all of you!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Thanks Liz, happy thoughts accepted and send some right back atchya!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Has been a crazy week. Doesn't look like there will be a normal day for a while. So I'm trying real hard to make the best decisions I can with the food choices available. Do not want to go backwards now.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hang in there Julia, You can do it!!! :)