Every day chats!



  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks Liz!

    I'm playing hooky from work today.
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    My post keeps getting lopped off! I'm relaxing and enjoying the nice weather.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy to see lovely faces posting.

    Yesterday I did very well for Easter. Today my calories are high but I didn't binge. As many of you know I have a binge eating disorder.

    One of my friends I'm MFP suggested that I out a sticker on my calendar for each binge free day. Once I have a week total of stickers then I get to treat myself to a reward (non-food). So I went out and bought cute ocean sealife stickers to go with our lighthouse calendar and I have five days now.

    Going a full week without a binge is very hard for me. Keeping fingers crossed that I get a full week in.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    Thank you all for the kind words about my family...even with me looking like a ragamuffin lol! We had a very niceEaster day...quieter than usual...there were only 9 of us for dinner this year...we usually have between 17 and 23!

    Barb~ you have a GREAT game plan in place for travel ...I may have to borrow a few of those ideas for the end of the month when I go out to Oklahoma for my work travels...thanks for sharing! I hope you have a very safe and productive trip!

    MdwstQT~ I hope you enjoyed your day off immensely...I am waiting for that nice weather to reach us and melt the rest of titis snow lol! You were very right I the new challenge...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

    Jen~ how are things coming for you? Has it settled down a bit? I remember you saying how crazy busy you were getting for a while.

    Aaliceinw~ I'm so happy for you that you got your moon boot off! What a good son you have that he is still watching out for you!!! I see you are ROCKIN the challenges in BL!!

    Julia~ how are your baby steps coming along?

    Liz~ you are correct... We have a few patches of bare ground....I actually saw some grass the other day! Some of my flowers that are close to the house are actually popping through!! WOO HOO winter is NOT going to stay forever!!! How goes the move? Are you taking a lot of deep breathes?

    Karen~ I love your friends idea about the calendar! I used to do that with my kids when they were little but I would not have thought of it for myself! I am a very visual person so it is something I can appreciate very much! I actually just made one of those jars we were talking about a while back with the marbles...one for pounds lost...one with how many I still need to lose! It's on the table next to my bed...so I see it when I first get up as a reminder to do well for the day!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS evening my friends!!!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Cindy - Thank you for asking. The baby steps are going well this week. Not getting the fruit in, but I'm going to the store today.

    Karen - I love the stickers. That's such a fun, positive way to track things.

    The stickers also reminded me of doing goal posters. I think I may get creative today and do a little goal poster for my next short-term weight goal with encouraging pictures and stickers so that I can look at it every day while I work toward the goal.
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Great idea Karen, I too am fighting the binge fight. We can do this!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I just logged my lunch. Went to Subway, was close to adding three chocolate chip cookies but I didn't. I have a banana and Kashi bar for snacks. I'm also sipping water.

    I'm not energized and honestly I feel sort of blah. I've decided it's ok for me to feel this way. Feelings change! It's not okay for me to binge out. Working on day three being binge free.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Way to go Karen and QT!!!! You can do it! <3
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great week. I have strained my shoulder again! Booo!!! I really need to go lift some actual weights so I can strengthen these muscles in a very controlled way & stop straining them. Any time I try to swim harder to the point that I'm breathing semi hard I strain my muscles. Son of a!!

    Anyway, so my mom got me tickets to go see Neil Diamond this Thursday because she's so proud of how much weight I've lost so far. I love Neil, she doesn't so much, but she's going to go with me because my boyfriend absolutely hates him. C'mon! How can you hate Neil Diamond?! He's one of America's greatest song writers!! Everyone one loves I'm a Believer, Cherry, Cherry, America, Cracklin' Rose, Kentucky Woman & a hundred others. Anyway, I was so surprised that she even noticed! Almost 40 lbs seems like a lot, but when you have to lose 200 to begin with, it doesn't seem like that much. But you know, my mom lost so much years ago so she really knows how hard it is!

    Yesterday I had the worst craving to binge. I was home alone and I made my boyfriend take my bank cards so I couldn't go anywhere & buy food to binge on. I just knew being alone was going to trigger it. We only have pretty healthy stuff in the house & I ended up eating a sleeve of crackers with a can of soup & since that took forever to eat because I heat my soup to lava hotness the binge feeling passed. I know binge eating is a real addiction, but boy oh boy I really felt like an addict yesterday pulling everything out of the cupboards. Nearly everything we have in the house has to be prepared now, so there is very little I can grab & eat mindlessly. Uncooked brown rice & pasta isn't something that's easy to binge on! Neither are big bags of frozen veggies! LOL. I'm glad I was able to get through this without too much damage, but I really hope this feeling subsides completely some day.

    Have a great rest of the week ladies if I don't get a chance to get back in here!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Noodle797 wrote: »
    Anyway, so my mom got me tickets to go see Neil Diamond this Thursday because she's so proud of how much weight I've lost so far. I love Neil, she doesn't so much, but she's going to go with me because my boyfriend absolutely hates him. C'mon! How can you hate Neil Diamond?!

    Yesterday I had the worst craving to binge. Uncooked brown rice & pasta isn't something that's easy to binge on! Neither are big bags of frozen veggies! LOL. I'm glad I was able to get through this without too much damage, but I really hope this feeling subsides completely some day.

    I like Neil Diamond. I'm sure you and your mom will have a great time. Your mom may even enjoy it more that she thinks she will. - As for looking for food, I'm not typically a big sweets person, but every now and then, I just want a piece of chocolate or some jelly beans and nothing else will do. When that happens, I have been know to search high and low through out the house hoping for some forgotten piece of candy. I will even go through my husband's bag from work looking for the possibly hidden candy bar. It's almost like being pregnant and having cravings. I've just got to have it! And then the next day, I don't even understand why.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Cindy - I'm glad you had a nice quiet Easter. My busy week culminated with Easter Sunday. It was a beautiful day and fantastic Easter services. I sing with our church choir and I just love the Easter hymns. Singing brings me joy! After church, we went golfing as a family. It was a little muddy but great fun and good exercise. This week looks alot quieter. Yeah!

    QT- You can do this!

    Alice- No more boot! Yippee! :) Just take it slow so you can stay out of the boot!

    ZumbaGypsy- Welcome to our group!

    Karen- I love the sticker idea! You can make the week! I have done the sticker idea in the past. It works well. I think I may do it again too!

    Noodle- It is so cool that your Mom bought you the tickets! You deserve it! I hope you have an awesome time at the Neil Diamond concert!

    To all my LOST friends- Have a great week!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Congrats on your concert Noodles. As well as making it through without bingeing.

    Thanks everyone for all your kind words of encouragement.

    Day 3 binge free!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Noodle - Is there some water exercises that you can do to strengthen your shoulder? Maybe a mini routine you can do for a few minutes each day before you do your laps?

    QT - Way to go!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Wow...typed out a nice post and when I hit post reply...poof it was gone! GRRRR crazy technology! That doesn't happen too often to me here on MFP!

    Julia Glad your baby steps are going so well! Good luck on the fruit! love fruit,,,veggies are my issue lately! I usually love them but lately just been too tired to eat in general so quick and easy have been winning out over planning and prepping!

    Noodle~ I love Neil Diamond too! Congrats, you lucky girl! I hope you and your Mom have an AMAZING time! Sorry about your shoulder!

    MdwstQT~Way to go on your binge FREE!!!

    Jen~ I'm hoping you have a nice quiet week!

    Liz~I hope the stress is minimal! Take nice deep breaths my friend!!!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS evening my friends!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    I hate when that happens Cindy! It's happened to me like twice back to back the other day.

    Hump Day down! 4 days binge free!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    MdwstQT wrote: »
    4 days binge free!

    wooo hooo! Awesome! :D
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    It's raining here in Wisconsin. What is it about rain that makes me feel like curling up with a good book & a pint of ice cream? I can't even seem to focus on work, which is bad because it just means I'll have to come in this weekend. Rain, rain go away!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    We were notified that we will be closing on the house tomorrow at 2:30. Now the real work will begin :)
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    I crashed and burned last night! I had a major binge! So much I wouldn't even know where to begin to track it. I'm so depressed and guilt ridden over it! :'( My binges always happen at night, alone. I hate it!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Good Morning My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    Julia~ I agree...HUGE WOO HOO for MdwstQT's BINGE FREE!!!!

    Noodle~ We got more SNOW yesterday and last night! I want to curl up too! If this keeps up..I won't be opening the pol til Juy :'(

    Liz~ CONGRATS on the house! Remember to breathe and the word of the week is still DELEGATE LOL!!!

    Jen~ Do NOT beat yourself up! It's over...try making yourself a small list of things to do at night when you are alone! You can always come here and "chat" with us!!! Recognizing that being your trigger is a step towards VICTORY! ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!! XOXOXOXO
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you, Cindy!