Every day chats!



  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Oh my gosh Cindy! You were so lucky and that must have been so very, very painful. And I do hope your baby pup is getting better. Take it easy both of you. The body needs time to recover it is going to keep serving us for at least another 50 years (not for me... bit old for 50 more years lol :D). Anyway rest up and take it easy on the BL goals too.

    Liz what a lovely home. I love the open front yard and then the beautiful trees offering some shade. only a couple more weeks and the boxes will be unpacked.

    Jen I'm sending lots of pre-healing prayers in preparation of your op. My mom and two aunts also had the hysterectomy and have never looked back.

    MD you are doing so well both with your binge and exercise goal. You rock girl!

    Noodle, how is your shoulder? So glad I no longer have TOM's!

    Have and awesome week ladies and yes it is already hump day on my side of the world!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Well Tuesday was another semi lazy day for me! I had a meeting at my daughters school at 9 AM so I couldn't got o bed when I got out of work. I did some stretching and yoga before the meeting (mostly to help keep me awake) Then I did some stair climbing. I got barely 3 hrs of sleep and had things to do. I did a very light 30 minute kettlebell workout but they called me into work early so...off I went and here I am (on break right now)!
    On the up side, Bailey was much more herself today. I don't think she is quite 100 % but definitely on the mend!!! :) Which makes me a HAPPY MOM!!

    Noodle~ I think this is one time I was glad to be a bigger woman. Bruised but not broken!

    aaliceinw~ I have not been nearly as active yet this week! I am kinda taking the week to settle in with tweaking things...gotta figure out how to work the protein shakes in to the schedule etc. Hoping to get that scale going in the right direction! I am leaving on Sunday the 26th for a work training trip to Oklahoma. I have been eating things I had pretty much given up...like pizza today for dinner... but I am not stressing over that right now!

    I have to get back to work Ladies but wish you all sweet dreams and a FAB_U_LOSS Wednesday!! XOXOXO
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi everyone! Thought I would check in since it is hump day here :)

    Cindy, I am glad you and the baby are mending.

    Alice, wow you are burning it up with your food goals.

    Noodle, how was the concert or it that tomorrow night?

    Jen, I have been thinking a lot about you, remember get some books, crosswords, needlepoint, or things that you can keep busy with, the first few days after surgery. <3

    The girls and I have started moving totes over. We do a few loads each day after school. It is just Billie and me this week. Slow and steady wins the race. Golden is on stage crew at the HS and it is hell week (what they call the week before the play). They are doing The Laramie Project. Billie, Mikala and I will go see it this weekend.

    I hope everyone has an awesome day! B)
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Liz, the concert was excellent! I had a great time with my mom and I've never been so glad I started losing weight. We were seated un the upper level & I had to climb a billion stairs and I wasn't even winded when i got to the top. Plus I fit in the seat way better than the last time I went to the arena. NSVs for sure!!
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    edited April 2015
    It's actually kind of slow at work this week! I'm shocked I had time to go to the bathroom more than once yesterday! I hope everyone is having a great hump day!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Noodle797 wrote: »
    Liz, the concert was excellent! I had a great time with my mom and I've never been so glad I started losing weight. We were seated un the upper level & I had to climb a billion stairs and I wasn't even winded when i got to the top. Plus I fit in the seat way better than the last time I went to the arena. NSVs for sure!!

    That's so awesome!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Awesome NSV Noodle!!! It will just keep getting better and better. I am so glad your mom and you had a good time.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Noodle- so glad you had a great time at the concert!!! Awesome NSVs!!!

    Cindy, QT, Noodle, Liz and Alice- thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm reading the book, "Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat". Premise is that 90+% of diets fail. If you eat only when you are truly hungry and use balance, variety, and moderation in your choices, your body will find its "natural weight". No "good" or "bad" foods. No diet rules which she says lead to binges on "bad" or "forbidden" foods. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I've been on a diet most of my life. It's a bit scary to be without all the rules. ;) I'm wanting a healthy lifestyle change. Maybe this is it?! Any feedback would be appreciated!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Jen here is my 2 cents :)

    When food smells or has mold, it is spoiled, it is bad. Good food will not make you sick if you eat it. Food is a tool and has a purpose, it is used to fuel our bodies. Yes some food is more efficient than others in doing the job. Our bodies will get much further with protein than Twinkies.

    That being said, I love chocolate, it is a really good food. I know myself and I cannot have Godiva Chocolate in the house, I am weak and will get myself into trouble. I do not forbid myself from having it because I know I am weak and I will fail. I know when I go to Barns and Nobel I will not be able to pass up getting a chocolate bar, weather I have room in my calories or not. But to forbid myself from having it would set myself up to fail and then I would be down on myself for failing and then I would want it even more because I am a rebellious soul even rebelling against what I know is right (even at my age, I am still as rebellious as a teenager). It becomes a viscous circle and even worse for I am harder on myself than anyone else could ever be. So when I go to Barns and Nobel, I eat the chocolate and enjoy it and just try to do better next time.

    There are many foods I can no longer eat for health reasons. That doesn't make those foods bad, it just means they will be bad for me because they will make me sick. When I first had to change my diet, I kept telling Mark about what I couldn't eat. He suggested that I concentrate on the food I could eat and enjoyed eating. I think that looking at the positive really has made a difference in my relationship with food. Yes I miss certain foods still, but that is o.k. because there are other foods that are awesome.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Oh, Liz, we are so much alike! Thank you for your helpful words! I guess you can lose weight without a "diet" per say, just different choices. I love the idea of looking positively at what you can eat! Are you sure about the protein vs Twinkie thing though?! LOL ;) thanks again!
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Awesome Liz way to break things down!

    Hope everyone is hanging in there. Just popping in for a bit.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello my Lovely LOST friends~
    Liz~ i think somewhere... We are related souls lol! I have the same out look on food! I never say never for any food...just try to not have certain ones as often. Glad to hear the move is going well...tell your daughter to break a leg this week end! I hope the show is a smashing success!

    Jen~ I can't put it any better than Liz! We seem to have the exact same philosophies when it comes to food...with that being said...I do have one other SMALL thing to add. I try to also find healthier versions of things I really LOVE. That I can have more often... The internet is an incredible resource to find healthier versions of almost ANYTHING! Don't be afraid to try NEW things either...you may even find some healthier FAVORITES to crave!

    MdwstQT~ How's the binge free going? I hope you are enjoying some beautiful weather...ours is finally starting to warm up and I can actually see some of my yard. Time to start walking outside again!

    Julia~ nice to see yon popping in.??I hope alL is well with you!

    Noodle~ those are AMAZING NSVs..I'm so happy for you! I'm also glad the concert was great! Did your Mom enjoy it as much as you? Glad work is slowing down for you as well! Hopefully it will stay that way so you can enjoy the nice weather coming in!

    I better get back to work before I am missed! Have a FAB_U_LOSS night my friends!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I also focus on the foods that I know are better for me. There are so many wonderful vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts, beans, ... to choose. In fact, by focusing on eating vegetables and at least one fruit each day, I sometimes end of focused on "finding" food to eat instead of trying to avoid food. (Kind of fun when you think about it like that.) If I occasionally have a "real" craving for something that is totally not a health food, I enjoy it and move on. I have also learned that there were a few foods that we had in our home that seemed to be eating triggers for me. I don't know why. They didn't seem to be "bad" or "unhealthy" in any way, but I would eat the item and then want to devour the kitchen. While I still don't know why they had that affect on me, I no longer have those particular items in the kitchen.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    There are many foods I can no longer eat for health reasons. That doesn't make those foods bad, it just means they will be bad for me because they will make me sick. When I first had to change my diet, I kept telling Mark about what I couldn't eat. He suggested that I concentrate on the food I could eat and enjoyed eating. I think that looking at the positive really has made a difference in my relationship with food. Yes I miss certain foods still, but that is o.k. because there are other foods that are awesome.

    I really like this! I can't eat eggs anymore & you'd be surprised how many foods have eggs in them. I used to eat a breakfast sandwich every morning made with Egg Beaters, turkey sausage, low fat cheese & a whole grain english muffin. It kept me full all morning & it was so good it didn't taste like "diet" food. Well I can't eat them anymore because of the eggs, so I alternated between bagel thins with low fat whipped cream cheese, oatmeal, granola, cereal, stuff like that and always a Greek yogurt. Even whole grain cereals & breads don't keep me as full as long as that sandwich with egg did. But instead of dwelling on what I can't have I had to be creative about what I could have. Now I have much more variety & it's true I need a snack mid-morning much more often now, but that's not so bad. I have fallen in love with hummus and veggies again.

    Jen, I feel like what that book is saying is valid for some people, but for others I don't know how well it would work. I look at my overeating & binging like an addiction. How come I can have 1 beer & be fine, but my dad had to drink all of the beers until he passed out? From what I've learned in my research an addict's brain is wired different. Especially a food addict. Our "full/hungry" triggers were broken long ago. I do make sure I'm hungry before I eat, but I know that I don't have a "full" trigger, that I'll keep eating way beyond the point of feeling full, to the point of pain, if I have the opportunity. I don't look at it as an excuse, but like Liz I try to remove all temptation by pre-portioning out food and not keeping certain foods in the house at all.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Wow. I'm so sorry I've been MIA on here. Looks like I have a lot of reading about you all to catch up on.

    I've been in a lot of chronic pain lately. More than usual. I've only been sleeping for 3-4 hours a night simply because my pain won't allow me to rest comfortably.

    I was taking 1 Norco every night for pain and it WAS helping. I get bad itching with any pain medication that has a narcotic in it so I was taking benedryl along with it. The itching got so bad I had to stop both and now my pain is out if control.

    I have Fibromyalgia and Arthralgia with a possible late onset of M.S, or Lupus. I've been tested for both of the latter and although tests aren't conclusive I have the markers for one or the other. I do know Lupus runs in my family.

    So I've just been sticking to commenting on my wall and friends list on MFP diarys as it has been too much for me to do much else.

    Today I'm fasting to go have full blood work done. We shall see if anything shows up.

    Last night was the first night I was able to get in about six hours sleep so I'm doing a little better.

    I haven't weighed in a month and will be weighing by this Friday or Sunday. Fingers crossed.

    In the meantime I'm hoping to catch up on reading about all of your ups and downs on our journeys. Blessings Karen.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Karen - I am sorry your pain is flaring and being unruly. I hope that you will be able to get another six hours sleep tonight and this flare up will die down. No matter what the scale says, you have been trying and been aware and that is a victory in itself. ((Hugs)) <3

    Julia - I thought of you today. Mark and I planted 20 yellow tulips that I will be able to see from the kitchen window. :)

    Noodle - I have been trying different tofu recipes, I have been thinking that it would make a good breakfast food. It took a little getting used to but there is so much that you can do with it.

    Jen - Mark is very sensitive about his size, he always has been. If anyone would say anything about him needing to diet, he would gain ten another pounds (no joke). So I have never used the word diet. Eating healthier is the way I would put it. This time it is a lifestyle change. It is working this time for both of us. But then we are both at a place in our lives where this is very important to both of us. I think that is why we are being successful this time.

    Cindy - Are you ready for your trip? Have you figured out what snacks and food stuffs you can take with you? How is the small baby, is she feeling better?

    Alice - How is the foot feeling? I am glad to see you are running again, don't overdo.

    Hey QT I see you! I hope your week is going well.

    Barb - I am thinking about you and hope you are doing all right.

    I'm sending everyone happy thoughts! B)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hey Cindy... always remember baby steps for everything... even in the protein shakes. I find if it takes a lot of additional time and effort to make a small change, there is more than 80% chance that it will fail. I try to go for small changes that still fit into my life easily. Another way of looking at is - Don't overthink it! Just do it!... and sleep too!

    Noodle! Well done on your amazing NSV's and so happy that you and your mom enjoyed the concert so much :D

    Jen I totally second Liz's advice and sharing. I've never dieted so starting on MFP and with Curves was something completely foreign and uncomfortable for me. I lasted 1 week! I saw that there are a lot of advocates here on MFP who say that dieting is not necessary, they talk about eating in moderation and also CICO. The only rules are to weigh and log your food and to either eat at a deficit to lose weight; maintenance to maintain; or in excess of your calorie goals to gain weight. It isn't quite that simple but in essence it is.

    Afterwards it is about personal health issues, allergies, food intolerances and personal "danger" foods. I am following the CICO rules and then adapting due to glucose and lactose intolerance (I can eat both but in tiny quantities). I also have to make sure that I have a much lower sodium intake than is recommend here because of water retention... which I figured out with the baby steps for my food goals. Finally, I had to have meal replacements because I wasn't getting enough proteins. I am slowly moving away from them. So it is more about changing a lifestyle, healthy living and being in balance than actually dieting.

    I mean seriously? who in their right mind would want to give up Lindt Sea Salt Dark Chocolate :D;)

    Howdy Julia. How does your garden grow?

    Liz, you won't need any extra work outs with shifting boxes this week.

    Missing you Karen, Barbs and MD. Barbs, I hope your road trip is going well.

    Have a fantastic weekend ladies form a Snazzy, Tazzy Devil >:)
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Sending hugs and healing thoughts your way Karen.

    Liz those tulips sound beautiful!

    Cindy I'm still binge free :)

    Hope everyone has an awesome weekend. The weather is supposed to be really nice. Looking forward to it.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Just changed my user name from JuliaMLN to JMarcella57. But it's still me. B)