Every day chats!



  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Happy Friday my LOST friends!!!
    I am struggling a little today! My muscles are indeed screaming at me! At around 3AM my butt muscles were spasming and practically having seizures! I was afraid I wouldn't be ab;e to sleep once I got home but surprisingly I actually got about 6 hrs today...which is more than I have gotten in almost 2 weeks.

    Julia~ although I am definitely uncomfortable, I will do this work out again! I felt invigorated for HOURS afterwards and I will get used to it as I build strength in all these muscles LOL :)

    Liz! Any luck finding workouts that get you going? You could try this card deal...ou assign the exercises to each suit yourself so you can make it as easy or challenging each time as you'd like!

    Jen~ So glad you found us! This is an AMAZING group of supportive, creative and overall WONDERFUL people!!!

    aaliceinw~hope your ankle is healing well!

    Megan, mdwstQT, Karen, Barb, Noodle...all our MIA friends...I hope your struggles are light and you are just busy kicking butt!!! I miss you!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day m friends!!!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Jen, Welcome!!!

  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you! :D
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Jen welcome!! So glad you are here!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone just checking in
    This has been a hard week, I really haven't been followings food plan and I'm carb binging on the evenings. I just so sad and work stressed I just want comfort and to numb out.

    Positive steps: I've been successful in staying away from sugar, which is my one no-go food.

    And I drove to the gym after work. I'm siting in the car now. I really don't want to go in. On Tueaday this guy was really rude to me in the weight room. Most guys there are nice ( I am usually the only woman) but some are jerks and it is really hard for me to handle their Attitude and rudeness.

    So I don't want to go back in. But I will, because I'm not going to let some a****** stand between me and health.

    Thanks everyone for being there and sharing the journey! Have a great weekend! I'm gonna go lift some weights!!!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Way to go Barb! You are so brave. You know what is important. I hope he isn't there tonight. I know it was a struggle anyway for you to get to the gym this week. You made it and even an a**** didn't stop you. YOU ROCK!!!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi Everyone ....I am struggling...I have lost my mojo..not sure how to get it back ...this happened to me before and I gave up completely ...I am not doing that this time I promised myself ....I hope everyone is doing well ...Sorry I haven't been around to support motivate or whatnot ...I really need to find myself not sure what is going on ...I hope everyone is doing well
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi ms smarty
    I'm struggling too . Hang in there - its persistence not perfection that makes the difference. Checking in is a great way to break the cycle. Is there anything going on that's adding stress or bringing you down?
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi Barlovo...being sick with ear infections started it because I wasn't able to exercise then having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out put me in a bigger funk I am just struggling trying to get out of my funk
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    barlovo - hope the workout went well.

    ms smartypants - hang in there. It will get better.
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Ms smarty that is one well-earned funk! Take it slow, sometimes I think post-illness blues are a way that our bodies slow us down so we have time to heal fully.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Nice to see you guys checking in. It was getting a little lonely. Hang in there everyone. Start the cycles and the baby steps again if we have to.

    Ms_smartypaants, I agree with Barbs that you have every reason to be in a funk and also about the slowing down part. I think we tend to try to do too much all at once. Do you think you could make it work for you with smaller weekly challenges and slower but steady weight loss? Remember that it took me forever to shift on the scales but I was having very nice NSV's... (And surprisingly still am, despite no activities or exercise at all). I am peeved because my eating habits are back to bad, though not as bad as when I started.

    Cindy, well done! Sounds like you worked a whole bunch of muscles you didn't know you had. Is there a link to the card exercises? My ankle is healing slowly (proabably at the right pace, but I think it is too slow - tried to drive today! Not a good idea!) Sigh!

    Barbs - you are just doing it anyway and that really is the way to go. The goal and the vison that you have for yourself is so much stronger than everything else that is happening. You are very inspiring and so strong willed. Well done! You are often in my mind, cheering!!! And I am cheering for you too.

    Let's all pretend it's the new year again! Look at how far we have all come! Liz you have done fantastic work, it is normal that the weight loss slows down. Have you reset your MFP goals. May be you can exercise 3 times for longer periods at lower intensity or shorter at higher? I don't know what your routine was but I know if we have to change them around because otherwise we start burning less.

    I am very happy that people are saying, wow! You've lost a lot of weight and that my size 16 belts look like they belong to some other person. My long shapeless cardigans are hanging off me so badly, that the only way I could where them and make them look good is if I wrap them around me and use a belt - in essence, they are now dresses! The waistline is back
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Alice - You are looking awesome! Your foot will be healed in no time if you are sensible. Be patient with yourself. <3

    You are right about getting back the motivation of the new year.

    I tried out different youtube videos this week. I found a belly dancing one, a zumba one, a dumbbell one, a yoga one, and a yoga ball one. I will save the Jillian Michaels workouts for when I hit a plateau. Those with the Wii should do for now. I would like to do an hour a day 6 days a week, but I don't know if I could follow through, so I think my normal 30-45 minutes three days and an hour three days I can do. I quit smoking on Weds. so I am interested in seeing how that lifestyle change makes a difference.

    Ms. S - Hang in there. You have got this far, it may be slow going for a little while, but think of how wonderful you will feel as your strength comes back. I'm rooting for you!

    Cindy - It sounds like you are burning it up! You will look FAB-U-LOSS at graduation in a few months!!!

    Noodle, QT, and Karen - I miss you all, I hope your doing well.

    To all of you - Have an awesome weekend!

  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    High ladies. So far it has been binge and emotional eating free. Tomorrow will make it a week.

    I too feel like I've lost my mojo. I worked out once this week. Tomorrow I plan on hitting the supermarket and stock up on food.

    Gotta get back in here and get active on the board again. This is an awesome place! Oh and welcome Jen.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. I have been binging off and on for weeks. Today is looking good so far.
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    My worst time of day for overeating and bingeing is late at night, after everyone else is asleep, I'm relaxed, it's quiet, and I can hear the food calling! ;) Seriously, any helpful suggestions? I find that I'll eat even if I'm not the slightest bit hungry! The regret and guilt the next day are the worst part.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Happy Sunday My Lovely LOST friends~
    I had a great day yesterday...got in some more workout time! And got some good quality sleep for a change! I feel like a million bucks. I have had a couple people at work give me compliments...noticing the weight lose and about my hair! Definitely helps that motivation!

    Barb~So sorry you had to deal with such ignorance at your gym. Do you live in an area where you have options for gyms? I know the first gym I went to had an atmosphere like that there and I stopped going…I kept paying for it until my contract was up then quit….what a waste! I let ignorance impede my progress. KUDOS to you for not letting them stop you! Give yourself a big hug!!!

    Liz~ I’m glad you found some videos on you tube…if you find any that you really like please feel free to share a link. I’m always looking for fun workouts to try! That graduation is coming up FAST!!!

    Megan~ So glad to hear from you! I have missed you! I second what Barb & aaliceinw have said! You need to be kind to yourself! And always remember we are here!!! I hope you are feeling back to yourself soon!

    Aaliceinw~ I certainly did find muscles I didn’t know were there! And they all HATE me right now lol! But I’m going to keep working them. I’m even considering a C25K program to start running! I would like to do a 5K race. You take some of your own advice and be kind to yourself! Let that ankle heal…I know it’s tough...especially when we are trying to make this lifestyle a habit! But you have done AMAZINGLY well not giving up…give yourself credit for these victories! You are a GREAT inspiration! ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) to you!!! I love your idea of pretending it’s the New Year again too….new dedication!!!!!

    MdwstQT~ Sorry to hear about your struggles. You too need to be gentle with yourself. You have done well…this is a long term process and will take time for those of us that are making big changes! We are here for you! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) for you!

    Karen~ SO glad you are here!!! You are doing better than you give yourself credit for! Take one day at a time and remember to repeat as often as you need too…I AM WORTH IT!!! Because you ARE!!!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!! <3

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Jen - Look on page nine of this thread, Barb (barlovo) wrote a post with some awesome tips in it. Be kind to yourself and remember that identifying the behavior is a win. Log everything, it may be ugly but the information will help you make better decisions. This is a process and it is a learning curve. Hang in there you got this. :)
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Mysticliz, I love the idea of restarting the year and getting back that New Years motivation!! I just went to a great lunar new year event so I'm adopting the stubbornness of the Yest of the Ram. Time to recommit! Persistence not perfection!!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Also this weekend is Persian new year - Nourouz! In so any cultures new year begins with spring. Happy new year! Happy fresh start for each of us!