Every day chats!



  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Sending hugs and positive vibes B)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hi All~
    Today I was a little MIA (Wednesday)...I actually got some sleep! It was broken sleep but it was much needed and I feel better non the less! My days are so messed up because it doesn't become tomorrow until the middle of the next day for me!
    Sending lots of good thoughts to you all! Going to do some serious working out today with my daughter!
    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!! <3
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Cindy, I worked nights for several years and don't think my sleep was ever what it should be. The kids used to laugh when they would come in from school and I would groggily tell them good morning. After awhile, that was just the way it was. Hang in there get the rest when you can. Have an awesome time working out with your daughter. :)
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Cindy. I'm glad you got some much needed rest. Workout motivation. Yesterday was a big day with delivery of a new hutch and moving things around so I'm just cooking and relaxing today. Back I. My working days at one time I worked the 4 to midnight shift. I didn't get to bed until. 2 am by the time I made it home. That was the worse work schedual for me even though I'm more of a night person. Have a great workout.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm going to post a longer post later tonight, but I wanted to duck in quick & say, I'm so glad to see you back Karen. I'm sorry things have not been going well for you lately. The fact that you're still here proves that you want to stick with it even though you've had a couple of set backs. I want you to look into Volumetrics. If you are hungry all the time no matter what you eat and you still feel the urge to binge, binge on something that has low caloric density. If you have to eat 4 bags of microwave popcorn before you feel the binge pass, so be it, it's definitely better than eating 5 or 6 or 7 candy bars. Believe me, I am not judging you in any way at all. I am a recovering binger myself and as a person who has driven to 2 or 3 different drive-thrus during one binge so it was less embarassing I completely understand. Truly, look up Volumetrics, it has made all the difference this time around for me.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm going to post a longer post later tonight, but I wanted to duck in quick & say, I'm so glad to see you back Karen. I'm sorry things have not been going well for you lately. The fact that you're still here proves that you want to stick with it even though you've had a couple of set backs. I want you to look into Volumetrics. If you are hungry all the time no matter what you eat and you still feel the urge to binge, binge on something that has low caloric density. If you have to eat 4 bags of microwave popcorn before you feel the binge pass, so be it, it's definitely better than eating 5 or 6 or 7 candy bars. Believe me, I am not judging you in any way at all. I am a recovering binger myself and as a person who has driven to 2 or 3 different drive-thrus during one binge so it was less embarassing I completely understand. Truly, look up Volumetrics, it has made all the difference this time around for me.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Noodle. Thank you so much. My therapist said to eat real food instead of cakes n candies but you are so right. If I had 5 mini bags of popcorn I would probably stop there and that would only be 500 calories vrs 1500 or more. It makes sense. I've looked up volumetrics before but really didn't pay attention to it. I will revisit it again. Thank you. It means a lot you took the time to help. Hugs.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    edited March 2015
    Oh and I couldn't eat 5 candy bars. Lol. That would make me sick. I can eat 5 mini ones though.

    One time in my life I did go to 4 different fast good places. I wasn't embarrassed though but I did want different things. I can even tell you what I ate that day. Chili cheese fries from del taco, Burger King a chocolate Hershey pie, yoshinoa beef rice and veggie bowl and lastly Jack in the box 2 tacos. I ate all except half of the beef m rice bowl. I remember it because I felt such shame. That's the only time I ever went place to place. Jack in the box tacos are on my abstain list. There's just something about those lil devils. Lol.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi All~
    I did NOT get sleep today and felt crappy all day!
    I had plans to take Kyli to get an appointment set up for her hair for Military ball in April...while we were there she said," Mom you earned your hair cut you should just do it!" So I did...and it turned into a nightmare day! I had been researching shorter hairstyles that I liked...I googled fine hair with a round face styles and had it narrowed down to 2 I liked. I have been showing everyone that knows me well and getting opinions and every one had actually agreed with one of my choices pretty much unanimously so I showed the hairstylist and she said, "OH NO I hate when people bring pictures in. I don't think either of those will work for you"....I know....I should have walked right out but she started asking me a lot of questions about my job and schedules etc...like she really knew what she was doing. I figured she does this for a living so maybe she knows better...Well within 1/2 hr my hair was washed and cut already and I was NOT happy with it! I left there and sat in my car and cried! Poor Kyli was like "Mom it's OK it doesn't look that bad!" UGH!!! I cried harder! SO we went to Wal Mart to get some dye... Kyli wanted to "fix" it for me! We did NOT agree on color...I actually like my natural color so was going with similar color but she was like..."NO Mom! You wanted something different!" So I relented and figured at this point I already hate it and it will grow back right? She spent a lot of time coloring it and curling it and styling etc...I couldn't hurt her feelings so I didn't say anything but I feel like I'm having a mid life crisis all of a sudden! I have NEVER cared about my age...I don't celebrate my birthday but it's never been because I stress about my age... it's just always been just another day to me. I have always taken aging in stride...it's just a number...but right now I feel HORRIBLE! Kyli is turning 18 (this week end) and I feel more lost than ever! My "BABY" aging is hitting me harder than me aging! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? I feel like I look OLD and HAGGARD lately and it's really bothering me! I am losing weight and instead of seeing positive changes in my appearance I see sagging skin on my chin and neck area which makes me look old and wrinkly!
    Anyway...here it is...my new do...67f4cuymejde.jpg
    So sorry I am such a downer lately! I truly don't know what my problem is! This is SOOOO NOT LIKE ME! My poor family!!! They don't know how to deal with the fact that I am completely NOT myself lately! I feel terrible for feeling this way!!

    Liz~ The lack of sleep is never ending! My family thinks I'm crazy some times! I'm always asking what day it is!!!

    Karen~ I hope things are getting a little better for you this week! I noticed you did well with your diary yesterday!

    Noodle~ I hope things settle down for you at work soon!

    aaliceinw~ I hope you have found a little comfort and relief from the pain!

    Barlovo~ I saw what awesome dedication you have had! KUDOS my friend! I hope you are finding peace!

    MdwstQT~ I should have stuck with a beautiful piece of jewelry as my reward lol! I could be looking at something lovely!

    Everyone else...I hope you are all doing well!!! I miss you!
    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited March 2015
    Cindy - In the pictures that you posted, the color looks very good. I can't really see a lot of the style. But please keep in mind, that as you wash your hair over the next few times, the intensity of the color will fade a bit. Within a week, it may very well be a color that you are happy with (and more use to). It also seems to work well with your natural eye brow color.

    As you get use to the change, it may help you better define what style and color you want for your next cut. Your shape and lifestyle are changing. It's okay to try on a few new looks as you travel the path.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Cindy - Even in the midst of your troubles you think of us, you are so sweet. <3

    I think your hair looks nice. I bet your head felt like it was floating when they cut off all your long hair.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    Well today was a little better day emotionally for me. I didn't get much sleep still but I spent most of it alone getting things done and had lots of time to ponder! I certainly still don't have all the answers but I feel a little better about some of my thoughts!

    Julia~ thank you for your kind words and insight! I know all of this is temporary...my hair will grow and will go back to my original color eventually if that is what I want...so I feel a little petty and therefore frustrated with myself. I think the biggest stressor for me right now is that there are soooo many changes going on at once!

    Liz~ Today thank you doesn't seem enough...I truly appreciate your supportive insight! It meant a lot! I did some of that soul searching and pondering and feel a little better...not great yet...but better! I really just need to take this a little at a time right now and get through this weekend!

    I will be around here and there but probably not as often as usual this weekend! Busy week end with Kyli's birthday! Have a FAB_U_LOSS week end my friends!!! <3
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Cindy. Throw some sun glasses on top of your head and push the bangs back. Everyone looks cool with sunglasses like that. Lol. I agree with Julia , the color looks good with your brows. I've had hair guts I didn't like too and walked out crying. Sometimes you just have to keep telling yourself it will grow back. I take biotin. I also have thin hair. If I'm taking the biotin faithfully I grow a half inch in a few months. Yes, the color will fade in a week it two. I'm sorry you are feeling down about this. This too shall pass. You have many changes going on. You need to go lightly on yourself. Maybe get your hormones checked too. You are under stress, breathe my friend. You were so looking forward to finally doing something for you and it turned out a bad experience. Doesn't meN you can't continue to create a good experience. I think you should still reward yourself with something pleasurable to you something that makes you feel good and makes you smile don't give up that reward. It's kind a like me now days when I eating something that I don't like I stop eating it and I throw it away and I find something that I do like so the hair didn't work for you now time to find something that will make you smile. Hang on there sweetie. We are here for you. Letting go of your babies is hard. I only have fur babies but I even cried when I had to leave my dog for three weeks with a sitter while on vacation. I can't imagine a child growing up and leaving home.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Hair guts? Now you have to laugh at that Cindy. Lol. Siri mocks me.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Oh Cindy. Here is a massive, huge hug for you
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    I cant believe that one liner is all that is left of my post for you Cindy! But in essence I suppose that is the message that I was sending!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am struggling to exercise. The Wii and the dumbbells are great, but I feel like I should be doing more. Walking outside is a no go, it is tearing up my feet and right knee and walking around my kitchen is getting boring. I put You Tube on the TV and thought I would try out some beginner workouts. I just feel kind of directionless. I have really struggled with this this week. Do any of you have suggestions?
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    I wish I could help Liz, I actually did a lot today in the kitchen, much more than the hours I logged but I can't imagine I burned more than 580 for 6 hrs in the kitchen cleaning and cooking and baking. I normally don't exercise but know I should. Walking is way too painful for me. I need a total knee replacement plus the chronic pain. I know you are in pain too.

    Maybe just change things up with some yoga or stretching/strengthening exercises for a few days or do a search for a fun exercise low impact video. Hope you get back in the groove soon. :)
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all, just checking in. It is so great to read all your posts and I hope I have the energy to respond more soon. For now it has been a really rough week. In addition to losing our nephew Xavier last Sunday, I have had two other deaths in rapid succession this week. A professional colleague died in childbirth, and a good acquaintance was killed in a motorcycle accident. Both were strong women, people I admire very much, about my age, in perfect health, who were doing great things in the world. It is such a shock that they are both gone. My only comfort is that both died quickly and did not suffer much. I feel pretty numb and exhausted. This is a lot of grief.

    The positive steps that I want to share is that I have gone back to the gym twice this week to do my physical therapy weight training, for the first time in a month. The first time I wanted to go, but the workout felt awful and I didn't finish. The second time I did not want to go, but once I started working out it felt GREAT and very satisfying. I am going to try to go tomorrow afternoon, if I am not too tired. I have a work event tomorrow mid-day that I am hosting so I have to go.

    I've gained back a few pounds over the past 10 days, but I'm ok with that, this is an exceptional time and I know I'll get back on track. A lot of that is probably water weight as I am eating out a lot which usually means eating more carbs and salt than my home cooking.

    I am not logging food yet but I am trying to make healthier choices. I have been binging at night, when I am very tired but I don't want to sleep because, well, my dreams are not very easy right now. But my "binges" are not what they used to be - 3 or 4 freezer waffles with almond butter, a 2-3 low fat cheese sticks, and a couple apples, not a bag of candy or fast food. 500-800 calories, not 1500-3000 calories. It helps that I don't have unhealthy food in the house!

    I hope I have some better news to share soon. Meanwhile thanks for continuing to share your journeys here - I get a lot of strength from reading your posts and I hope to be able to contribute something more positive soon.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Barlovo - Can't even imagine the emotional place you are in right now. Praying for you to have the peace and strength that you need to carry you through this week.