RaeC42 Member


  • I just turned 40 this past summer. I don't want another decade like the last...steadily watching the scale creep up and my energy decline. Time to reverse it. Anyone that wants to add me feel free to do so. :smile:
  • I have SO been there! Knowing what I need to do, but not feeling like doing it. Maybe start small? When you pour some champagne, pour half what you normally would and do that for a week. Then the next week find another small thing to change...a few small changes can add up over time. Best of luck!
  • Hi. I'm sending you a friend request. I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed in 2001, but probably had PCOS my entire life or at least since my teens. I was actually thin at the time, but after fertility treatments and two babies, I put on a lot of weight. Then I decided to go back to school and the stress caused me to gain…
  • Oh to be toned again! In my head, when I think about getting back in shape, I see myself at about 16. I weighed 125, I played basketball and ran cross country. I had nothing that "jiggled"! I think I am going to need to get past that image and reconcile with the fact I have a 40 year old body that I haven't taken the best…
    in First Day Comment by RaeC42 January 2015
  • I recently turned 40. :( I'm 5'5" and currently ~198. My initial goal is to lose at least 50 pounds and then reassess. I will take all the motivation and friends I can get! My diary is open, though empty as I just started. :smiley:
  • Friends definitely help with accountability and encouragement. I am really hopeful that these forums will be the extra motivation I need to finally stick with it, especially since I feel I have such a long way to go to get back to where I want to be health wise and size wise. I'm sending you a friend request. Anyone please…
  • I'm also sending you a friend request. Currently I want to lose 50, but once I get to that goal, I plan to reassess and see if another 20 or 25 seems possible!
    in First Day Comment by RaeC42 January 2015
  • I would love to join you! I had been up as high as 205. I'm just shy of 5'5" and am currently at ~198. I haven't completely decided on my goal weight yet. I would love to be back at my high school weight of ~125. But am thinking for now I should shoot for 150 as that will put me just back into the normal BMI range. So I…