53LaniP Member


  • You can't unless you cut off a limb as posted above! No way, regardless of what fad posts/diets say.
  • I'm a type II diabetic and I have been taking Metformin for years. It is a diabetes drug that CAN help weight loss, but you still need to follow a diet and exercise. Like others, I lost pounds (35 lbs) and then gained some back (17 lbs) all while on Metformin. It is NOT a miracle drug. I agree with other posts, when you…
  • I've been scolded a number of times for not eating enough, too. It is frustrating to be told to overeat before bedtime and I won't do it. I do try to even out my eating throughout the day, but it doesn't always work.
  • I'm in! I had a pasta and wine binge on 1/3/15 and swore off all drinking for awhile. Originally, I was thinking of "weekends only" but I think a 2 dry weeks kickoff will be a great start. I'll be sticking to non-alcoholic beverages until 1/18. I just noticed that's a holiday -- perfect timing! Let's see how I do!