I had to change to a different tab just to prevent me from staring at his nipples. While some people dont deserve to lose weight, he deserves a shirt. His nipples have earned it.
"People who diet should just stop and learn to love them self as they are" Said by a thin 18 year old, whos never really been fat in his life. Im not a violent person, but that guy tests my patience.
Yep, I know exactly where your coming from with that. I can eat 200g of rolled oats in the morning and still not be full.
Thats sorta what I thought.
Trust me you dont want to end up skinny fat. Its depressing when you get near your goal weight, and look like a pile of flab whos unable to do proper push ups.
It depends on the art to be honest. If its more of a striking one then awesome. If its a more grapple based art... well it can lead to some awkward situations, especially if you miss a grab annnnnnd your hand lands on a awkward chest area.
Ive lost over 70 pounds and Ive gone from a sive 38 waist to being able to fit into a size 32 and I personally still do not see much of a difference. I think its a mental thing, think of it this way you are with yourself 100% of the time hence why any change will not seem that big to you as you see it unfolding slowly and…
While this isn't really on topic, I just wanted to say for every person who calls you that when they go by there are umpteen more cheering you on in their head. Dont let the vocal minority get you down.
They are glorious, I used to go on long walks and severely underestimate the distance walked before i got one (pun intended as I own a one). As it turns out those five mile walks are more along the lines of ten miles and those ten were more along the lines of twenty, it makes me feel more in control of my daily calories…
Id be tempted to demonstrate just how much muscle ive gained by trowing a punch to their face. Okay for a more serious reply id just tell him to **** off.
Ive been here for over 102 days and after losing about 52 pounds im finally no longer overweight. So I can say that it works, at least for me.
I had to buy a new belt, why? Because it was getting to big for me. I remember a day a while back when i had to do it for the complete opposite reason.
That feeling you get when you just cant fit into your clothes anymore. Or chafing, by god the chafing couldn't walk more than three miles without my inner thighs feeling like they were on fire. (thankfully neither one is a problem anymore, went a 11 mile walk today and boom no chafing) That and how much it costs to eat,…
Well i joined before Christmas but i decided it was to be a new years resolution at the time which i just decided to start early (because hey why put something off), so im going to say that counts :wink: Anyway yeah im still here, ive lost 13 kg's and life is just fantastic. :smile:
Yay i just collected mine from the post office today
While technically cheating as i started before Christmas (admittedly it wasn't untill the 27th that i joined here, i was counting before hand in my head). Mines just to get to the point where i don't hate the way i look. Loosing weight is a big part of that and im aiming for 72 kg.