Negativity motivates me but I grew up in the UK where you either grow alligator blood or you kill yourself.
The easiest fix to eating less calories is buying smaller plates, bowls and skinnier drinking glasses. Psychology is a powerful tool to mass loss and hacking our brains into believing the portion sizes are bigger with smaller plates actually works. Throw in some color contrast and before you know it the mass melts away…
The easiest fix to eating less calories is buying smaller plates, bowls and skinnier drinking glasses. Psychology is a powerful tool to mass loss and hacking our brains into believing the portion sizes are bigger with smaller plates actually works. Throw in some color contrast and before you know it the mass melts away…
The easiest fix to eating less calories is buying smaller plates, bowls and skinnier drinking glasses. Psychology is a powerful tool to mass loss and hacking our brains into believing the portion sizes are bigger with smaller plates actually works. Throw in some color contrast and before you know it the mass melts away…
Check out International Harvest. I've been eating mango slices, trail mix, and figs and have cut my sodium intake from over 100% daily to safely under the recommended sodium intake.
For caloric goals per day see article on changing shape Mifflin-St Jeor Equation This equation is one of the most accurate methods to use when it comes to figuring out you’re your particular caloric needs should be for the day. For men: RMR = 9.99 x wt (kg) + 6.25 x ht (cm) – 4.92 x age (yrs) + 5 For women: RMR = 9.99 x wt…
You are the only one that should care about their self-image. If you're not happy then lose mass until you become vain and enjoy pics again! My fav camera is my brain and if I cant remember it then it's not worth keeping!