Thanks so much that ends my curiosity lol! I just wanted to make sure I was replenishing my body enough!
Just so the majority of you know I am not using this to lose weight I am just curious. I know that it is mostly water weight which is returned when you replenish your body.
I'm so excited to see so many people are coming back as well. so far the last couple of days it has really helped me keep on track and I'm loving it!
I believe you can
@ChristineCain I feel the same way. I never did any community stuff last time I was on here and now I am thinking that the more people who know about my struggle and know my goals the more motivated I'll stay! Good Luck!!
And you my friend are added!!!
We can totally do this. Last time I didn't add any friends and I didn't post or respond to any discussions and this time I'm hoping this will help keep me motivated while making fitness buddies!
@_Tonya_Marie_ Let's do it!
Thanks guys! More power to us!
Hilarious!!! I added you!
Thanks all for all your responses and support! I am excited to lose this weight once an for all. My son and his father are major snackers and even last night I was looking at my boyfriend like your really not going to eat that in front of me! But I am proud to say I didn't dip my fingers into his snack and I'm hopping I…
I feel ya girl!! I too started T25 and logging everything that I eat, nibble, lick, sip! I know you can do it! Reading everyone's motivational stories makes it a little easier to keep on track!