debbiewade55 Member


  • You can do it!
  • Water exercise is great for people with arthritis. A water aerobics class in a warm water pool is great to start. Then, work up to swimming laps if you can. That's what I do and I have terrible knees. Also, low carb (NO ADDED SUGAR AND NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER EXCEPT STEVIA) is a great way to lose steadily. Sugar, starches…
  • Hang in there panjabi...the way you are exercising this should be a piece of cake (oh, poor choice of words, lol.)
  • Low carb, no added sugar will take care of your type II diabetes. I'm keeping my carbs under 60 grams per day and NO added sugar (read labels.) Sugar gone from 260+ to 120 and below. Oh, and 27# lost since Feb. You can do this!
  • Okay! I'm in. I need to lose another 60 pounds. Lost 27 so far since February 17 with nutrition and exercise.
  • valeriepurvis66 I forgot to add that just recently I've restarted the strength training and am swimming twice a week. I expect big things in weight loss now that I've added the cardio and strength.
  • I, too, am diabetic and am 61 years old. On two different meds, sugar not controlled well until 3 months ago. I'll tell you what I have accomplished and then I'll tell you how....Since February 17 this year I have lost 25.2 pounds. I've dropped from size 20W to size 18 regular and that is getting loose. But the BEST part…
  • Most immediate goal - eliminating one diabetic med when I go back to doctor in June. I have dropped my fasting a.m. readings from mid 200's to under 120 every morning. 25#, healthy eating and exercise! Then by end of 2017 eliminating meds altogether.
  • I know this is an old thread, but luluinca, thank you for the link. Actually, the calories from the calculator and the light/moderate effort calculation on my fitness pal are within 30 calories. Good to know!
  • I only had 1420 which is just 140 over my goal. And yes...I could see eating nearly that many calories in the past.