Hello All!

I am moving over from Spark People because there are so many ads that you can't even log your food in. I'm 51, 250lbs some days a pound or two more or less. Type 2 diabetic. I am having the toughest time loosing weight. Before I thought it was that I didn't have time, a husband and 2 active kids do that to you, and then I went back to school. I started exercising at home 3 years ago, went to a weight loss clinic because the dr. thought I should try and have surgery. I got yelled at there for eating one end slice of spam, an over easy egg, a piece of toast and coffee with creamer on my last day. SO! While the 10lbs I lost while going there was great, the intimidation and attitudes of all concerned were not conducive to me loosing weight. Then I lost my job, got a new temp job, and now I'm in a permanent job. It's crazy how life changes. So now I've been going to the gym 3 days a week I do a mix of cardio and strength training each time. I injured my shoulder so I can do no overhead lifting for a while and am building strength doing isometrics and physical therapy approved exercises on the Cybex Cable pulley device. What I've noticed is that no matter what I do I cannot cut my fat enough. I'm over always. But I also noticed that if I cut it too much I get constipated.... I don't know if that's because I'm not increasing my fiber enough or my water enough. I tend to not drink a lot of anything through the day. Water makes me feel bloated and I work on the third floor of a building with bathrooms only on the 1st and 2nd floor with no quick way besides stairs to get to the restroom. Suffice it to say I worry that I won't make it, 51, kids, weak bladder.... you know the deal. I would like real honest advice and direction in diet and exercise. A guide to follow or something. I really want to / need to loose the weight. I want my diabetes more under my control than that of meds. And I want to feel good not only health wise but about myself too. A current question weighing on my mind is how do you determine if you are strength training Moderately, Vigorously, or Lightly? Currently I am doing 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps with 30 seconds between reps at weights I can handle but not hurt myself.


  • debbiewade55
    debbiewade55 Posts: 12 Member
    I, too, am diabetic and am 61 years old. On two different meds, sugar not controlled well until 3 months ago. I'll tell you what I have accomplished and then I'll tell you how....Since February 17 this year I have lost 25.2 pounds. I've dropped from size 20W to size 18 regular and that is getting loose. But the BEST part is that I have gotten my fasting a.m. sugar readings from 220 and above EVERY morning to 115 and sometimes as low as 104. My doc says we can work toward getting meds reduced and then eliminated. Now, how did I do it? Well, my dad told me 40 years ago that a low fat diet was Bull****. He said, keep your carbs under 60 grams and you'll never have a weight problem. Wish I would have listened to him then and I wouldn't have developed diabetes. I have changed my lifestyle...this is not a diet. I do not eat breads or potatoes AT ALL, very little rice or beans...just once or twice a week. I get all my carbs from spinach, kale, other green veggies, tomatoes, cauliflower, etc...you get the picture. Fruit..,only an apple or some berries (fruit is FULL of sugar.) I look at labels...I DO NOT BUY anything that has added sugar or any artificial sweeteners (the only one I allow myself is Stevia which is a plant extract.) My sugar intake including naturally occurring sugars in veggies is under 25 grams a day. Since I don't eat canned foods very often my salt intake is around 1500 grams a day or less. So, in addition to the veggies, I eat all the meat, eggs, fish, and cheese I want (very little milk...high in carbs and sugar) and that is it. I drink only water with an occasional glass of tea with stevia NO SODAS DIET OR OTHERWISE. I don't make my meals my main focus of the day any more. Is it hard? Well, it was for the first couple of weeks until I got on the scale and had lost 12 pounds in ten days and I was already feeling better! Let me tell you what else has happened...I no longer get headaches. I no longer have joint problems. I am full of energy. I sleep better. My mood is better. I can keep up with the grandchildren. In other words, my life has changed.

    So your situation sounds very much like mine. The question is....how bad do you want to make a change? If you want to try it, I'll be your accountability partner. One other thing, I bought the book Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter (spelling) and although I am not totally gluten free, he makes very good sense about what inflammation does to your body (inflammation caused by diet) and it is worth the read.

    What do you say?
  • debbiewade55
    debbiewade55 Posts: 12 Member
    valeriepurvis66 I forgot to add that just recently I've restarted the strength training and am swimming twice a week. I expect big things in weight loss now that I've added the cardio and strength.
  • valeriepurvis66
    valeriepurvis66 Posts: 5 Member
    Do you cook for others too or are you on your own? I am sure that I could do it on my own but I do have others that share my life, my house, my food, etc. Could they benefit... sure... will they do it with me? not likely! I'll get there, I have to find my way, and I am thankful there are people out there like yourself who are supportive and I can bounce thoughts and Ideas off of. Thank you for the offer. I will consider it and think on it and see if I can do that. I'm getting better and no starchy foods, but Sometimes a baked potato is really good. And I drink a diet soda maybe once every 3 days. I too use stevia in everything else otherwise I by no sugar added or fresh items. Thank you for your suggestions and offer.