sierrabuccellato Member


  • Legit just posted a status about this! Glad I'm not the only one!!!
  • I do 10%, 45%, 45% I've found low carb really helps my PCOS symptoms!
  • Hi Annabell! I am also doing LC. Please feel free to add me :)
  • Two Turkey patties with Relish and Goat cheese on a Romaine leaf :) Yummo!
  • I would LOVE some keto friends!!! I have ~122lbs to lose and I get discouraged sometimes :/
  • You are absolutely inspirational! I have been having a rough couple of weeks and I'm just trying to power through. Seeing this realize what is possible with perseverance. Thank you!
  • Lol Well, I don't eat bacon all day but I do eat a lot of lean meats! I love Turkey Burgers on a Romaine leaf with Relish and Goat cheese! (drool) I also eat a lot of high fiber veggies (for vegetables I count net carbs) because I LOVE them!
  • That is exactly it! It is all in my head! But, as we all know, our minds can be very powerful.
  • I'm actually not even hungry! I just want bad stuff. It is all completely in my head. :neutral: At this point I don't make many "meals", I just do a lot of whole foods like grilled chicken, broiled salmon, and Turkey Burgers. It is easier for me because my kids (age 7 and 8) aren't on this diet with me. That is exactly how…
  • Wow! I just want to thank all SO much for your responses! I had a higher carb meal last night that felt like a cheat, but was actually all carbs from veggies. I feel MUCH better today and in higher spirits. I think I am going to add in at least one of these higher carb days per week to keep me from feeling deprived. I…
  • Actually, I haven't been hungry at all! In all honesty, that's probably why I haven't cheated yet. My BODY is completely satisfied. I am a single working mom of two so weighing everything is not going to happen. But I do log everything so the calories are there if my doctor or I ever chooses to use them for reference. I…
  • Hahaha! True!
  • Wolfman, I can't stand the taste of Splenda, Stevia, etc. and I usually drink my coffee light and sweet. I used to drink it with French Vanilla Coffee Mate. I thought Ketogenic was under 20?? I guess I'm lost. My doctor gave me suggestions of where to start given how many carbs I was eating on a low calorie diet. I tracked…
  • Thank you Cassie! Knowing I'm not alone will be a big help! Lizzy, I try to stay under 50 carbs per day. I don't pay attention to calories honestly because by cutting out sugar and carbs - I haven't needed to! I eat only whole foods, nothing processed. I cut out coffee (*sniffle*) because I can't stand the taste of…