ejcanavan Member


  • I'm not a huge breakfast person but I buy the Advantedge low carb shakes and take one in the car. Good protein and I can drink it while I am headed in just like I would a cup of coffee.
  • Mine is very much out of boredom. I am getting better at finding something to do on the internet, reading a book or taking a walk when I catch myself browsing.
  • My doctor told me to always have a few rolls of low sodium sandwich meat available. I had the worst eating habits late at night and would feel like I was starving. Roll up 3 pieces of meat and drink a full glass of water as quickly as you can an hour before bed. It has worked great for me. She said if it's the sugar I…
  • I go through the same thing with my job and stay on call 24/7. I seriously carb overload when I get mad ! I learned, especially in winter to keep a small cooler on the back floor and have snacks packed in there. I keep low carb yogurt, rolled sandwich meat ... enough to keep me happy for at least a short time as I drive…
  • I came to this site while coming off of it after my blood work came back extremely abnormal for cholesterol and triglycerides in September. She gave me 6 months to get my numbers down or go on meds and of course all results vary just like with anything else. I came for support on how to maintain, not to be chastised or be…
  • I believe that's possibly my issue. I have myself so convinced that if I go outside of my lean meats and veggies that I will stop eating well, etc. Since coming to the site and entering every bit of food I eat the visual makes it clear that as long as I don't overindulge I do pretty good. I didn't have a burger but…
  • I am doing this and have for about 3 months. Some of my favorites, chicken breast and eat a little sour cream with it. You can use plenty of packet spices for the sour cream but always watch for sodium and sugar. Last night I had swordfish with one pat of butter and squeezed some lemon on it. Then steamed some veggies and…
  • So I just read through the rules and am already extremely close to do this already being low carb (Atkins). Going to get all my measurements down and have my boys hide the scale ! Had to edit - there is no way I can afford this diet :( (single mom of 4) but will try to do a substitute version in the spirit of things since…
  • I am also 5'2" and 138 pounds, still wearing the same size 10 regular I was when I was at 163. Although it's not as snug I still can't seem to drop to an 8 no matter how much I lose I believe mainly due to my hips. I have had 4 kids, double hip reconstruction and quite content with a slightly loose size 10 :)
  • Hey :)
    in Hi ! Comment by ejcanavan December 2014
  • I have been on a budget pretty much since I became a single mom to 4. You may have to watch the sales ads very carefully, but now with cell phones you can get an app for it and even make a grocery list. I still hit sales and try to shop smart and get the most bang for my buck, so here goes... Tuna Chicken drumsticks…
  • I know it sounds funny but switch to light beer and cut the carbs. Without so many carbs you will feel the same effect. My wonderful doctor was extremely honest when she knew I was a casual beer drinker, and said that if I planned to drink that day to make lunch more calories and to drink the calories for dinner.
  • I found my worst time for overeating was at night around 7-9. My doctor told me if it gets to a point like that to always keep low sodium sandwich meat on hand. Roll up 3 pieces and drink a full glass of water. Works like a charm every time, but she also told me if I was going to eat a larger calorie meal to always make it…
  • I just stopped last week after a 3 month run. That is the longest you should ever be taking it. I lost 23 pounds over the 3 months (started at 163) and really the biggest issue I had was the insomnia. I also started to have same anxiety towards the end which is normal. I was expecting to have some serious withdrawal but so…
  • Mine was a picture taken last May. I have been extremely active until an injury to my knee and then I found I just became more lazy. I wanted to be sexy and healthy for my new man, but that picture destroyed me !