jademflynn Member


  • Oh for goodness sake. Everything psychological is biological. There is nothing wrong with describing the neurological mechanisms underpinning human behaviour and cognition. Every human enjoys the effects of various substances due to their effect on the brain. Fact. If your own biology insults you, that has nothing to do…
  • Alcohol does not have to be consumed until "trashed" in order to have an effect. Chill out.
  • The brain derives pleasure from consuming a psychoactive substance due to its temporary altering of mental state, the body is left to process the toxins present in alcohol and its normal level of functioning is impaired (fat metabolism). Yes, it is your choice if you wish to consume alcohol as it is a legal substance, but…
  • I saw a dietician some years ago who was also trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It was great because he combined a tailored nutrition plan with discussing my attitudes and cognitions towards foods and a healthy lifestyle.
  • I enjoy sugar-free drinks in moderation. Just be aware of the caffeine content and acidity level. Drinking diet drinks each day can lead to erosion of the teeth over time. x
  • Please read the article I linked to in my comment. I did not mention anything to do with the fad concept of "negative calorie foods".
  • 1. I disagree. Calories consumed should be nutritious and be conducive towards weight loss. Alcohol decreases inhibitions and provides no sensation of satiety, increasing the likelihood an individual will eat impulsively. The liver has to process the alcohol, rather than doing its regular job of metabolising fat, causing…
  • Height: 5'11" 139 lbs. BMI: 19.4 BF: 17% Size 6
  • * Quit the alcohol, completely. It's empty calories. * Calculate your BMR and TDEE to create your custom daily calorie and macro-nutrient goals. * Cut out all pre-packaged meals/snacks and processed food. * Create a weekly meal plan of healthy homemade meals, with all ingredients weighed in the recipe. Add these meals to…
  • I had a brief look at your food diary. You seem to love your bread, biscuits and sweets and your protein intake is very low for someone seeking to be more muscle than fat. My suggestion would be to calculate your TDEE and opt for a macro ratio of 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs. Swap your biscuits for lean proteins like…