Eire228 Member


  • Very mischevious! Pippin in particular. :)
  • Nice work! My family got two kittens when I was in college, and my mom and I named them Merry and Pippin. :) 4 miles in the snow this morning, and I made it to the edge of Farmer Maggot's field. :) Now 6.35 miles until Buckleberry Ferry.
  • I hear you, @laurenebargar! I can't wait for hiking season. :) I've done a few winter hikes this year in the white mountains in NH, but I prefer warmer days for hiking! 5k this morning. 1.35 miles until the edge of Farmer Maggot's field. Hopefully getting there tomorrow. B)
  • Wow, nice work!! My week didn't go quite as planned, but I got in a 3 mile run on Monday and 5 today. 4.45 miles until the Edge of Farmer Maggot's field. So close!
  • Nice work! Happy you're feeling better. :)
  • 4 miles this morning. It's a beautiful day here in Connecticut! Lovely to get outside. :) 12.45 until the edge of Farmer Maggot's field. Should be there by next Saturday!
  • The only reason I don't include all of my daily steps is because it encourages me to run more. I just started training this week for a half marathon, and knowing that my training run will help me get that much closer to the end of this journey is a fun motivator for me. :)
  • I love this app and this group of people!! Everyone is so upbeat and encouraging. :) :) 3.3 miles on the treadmill tonight. 16.45 until the edge of Farmer Maggot's field.
  • 2.4 miles today, up the big hill in the neighborhood! Made it just far enough to meet the elves tonight. :) 19.75 miles to the edge of Farmer Maggot's field.
  • 3 miles today after a bit of a running hiatus. 2.15 miles until I meet the elves!
  • Made it to the black rider! 4.8 mile hike this weekend. 5.15 Mike's until I meet the elves. :)
  • Love it! I'm not sure what my username is on there. I think it's just in there as Shannon.
  • 2.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. 4.7 until encounter with the black rider. Hopefully I'll make it this week. :)
  • Whoops, just saw the part about your insurance. If there is someone available at your school, you could check with them to see if you'd have to pay. You may not if it's a service that your school offers! Another option would be a community health center. You can google your area for one. They offer services for people…
  • First, sending you hugs. Second, it sounds like you should talk to someone, perhaps a counselor at school if that's available. You seem to know this isn't good for you, but sometimes it's hard to get past that and keep yourself healthy on your own. Depression is serious, and talking it out with someone trained/licensed can…
  • 2.2 mile run today. 7.2 miles to the encounter with the black rider.
  • Does the machine you use have the heart rate monitor on the handles? You could see what your heart rate is and look for a calorie tracker online and see if it meatches up using your heart rate. The treadmill monitor isn't super accurate, but might give you a better idea. I'm 5'7", 135lbs, and when I calculate out a run…
  • Nice work! :) 4.1 mile run yesterday. 9.4 miles to the encounter with the black rider.
  • As people said, eat what you like! Personally, I like "breakfast" foods for "breakfast". My personal favorites: Toast and avocado Spinach & fruit smoothie (usually strawberries and blueberries with vanilla protein powder and water) Protein shakes
  • Thanks @Faelwyn_the_Rising_Phoenix for all of your encouragement!! :)
  • I'm loving that this app! Ran 4.1 miles today, 13.5 to go for the encounter with the black rider.
  • I think it will also take me forever if I don't log my normal steps. But I'm going to try for now. It'll encourage me to run more. :) Made it to Tookland on Thursday, then went for a great 7+ mile hike on Saturday! 17.6 miles until the encounter with the black rider.
  • This is a great post! And explains why I've also been eating more this week... I didn't post the original question, but I very much appreciate all of the replies. :)
  • I have a silly question. I don't typically count my steps in a day as exercise. I do always aim to hit my step goal, but don't count reaching it as excercise that I document in my food/exercise diary, unless it was part of a work out (like running). Do most people count their normal daily steps toward the journey? Not that…
  • Welcome! I find it helps me to focus on how good I feel when eating right and working out, even if the scale isn't moving in the right direction. :) Good luck!
  • Wow! Amazing transformation!!! So incredibly inspiring. My NSV today was getting up at 4:50am to work out. It was so hard getting out of bed today...and so cold! But I warned up quickly. :)
  • Yay I'm in! I should've gone for my run after logging in.. I ran 4.6 miles, but would've pushed for 5 had I known it would get me to Tookland. ;)
  • Thank you! :) I'm going to try when I get home, I have a feeling it may have something to do with internet security at work. The error is about the network server. If that doesn't work, I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling. :)
  • Aw, it's giving me an error message when I try to sign up. :(