MajorMusic13 Member


  • Thank you so much! The Garmin is pretty accurate. I've run with Map My Fitness going at the same time as my fitness tracker and had it come up with the same mileage to the hundredth of a mile. It asks you your height and stide and factors in your velocity when figuring out our distance. Very handy device. Been using it…
  • I've been MIA working in Florida. Now I'm back. :-) So many exercise minutes from landscaping in the hot sun. Even with drinking water I got a little sun/heat poisoning that I am still working off.
  • Welcome @jschmid2 :-D
  • I'm having a tough time with he spreadsheet. Can someone enter my minutes for the week so far? Monday: 160 Tuesday: 200 Wednesday: 95 Thursday: 145 I have to sync my Garmin to check my miles, but I definitely should have 13.1 complete by the end of the week, unless it all has to be done in one shot?
  • I am fixing up my brother's house to help it be ready to sell. So I am gardening, painting, cleaning, organizing, etc all weekend long in the hot Florida weather.
  • All Zumba done. I love Zumba, but didn't love these. I'll stick with my Wii Zumba and other videos I've done before. I've been doing the water, and plan to post those 5 once Sunday comes. I set all the requests. In addition to these I am working on a challenge doing planks, side planks, crunches, bicycles and more. I ad…
  • A big thing for me is strengthening my core. So I have been working on planks, side planks, squats, crunches, hollow bodies, Superman's, etc to work on that. An easy challenge to add 7 minutes a week would be to plank a minute a day. (If you can go longer, go longer, if you need to break it up, break it up) it is so good…
  • I have sent requests to everyone. I don't know who I am missing or how to figure that out...
  • Hey! I introduced myself over on the other page, but I'm Kim. :-) Also, we rock, were in first place as of when I checked 10 minutes ago! Thanks for being an amazing team! Speaking on of Miami, I'll be right nearby starting tomorrow for a few days. I'm off to dog sit and paint a fence at my Brother's house and have some…
  • @Refined_by_Fire what did they do for your allergy test? I was re-tested in December for allergies, but they refused to run one for food allergies besides peanuts/tree nuts.
  • I have had mixed success with asking. Some places are great and even have modified their menu items on the spot to be GF. Others made me feel like I was absolutely ruining their day by askongt about what is and isn't GF. I found I love the places that actually mark their menu with GF symbols or have a separate menu ready…
  • I am in for this. Spring Break week. I want to get outside every morning the weather is nice! Struggles: Working out and eating right but the scale not dropping. Luckily, measurements are- I don't measure specifically, but all my clothes are loose or too big. Also, not going back to old habits of eating out. I'll make…
  • I think tea is a part of the for me thing this week. Having lots of tea to relax and unwind. Trying one of the dance videos tomorrow. :smile:
  • 2 cups of tea, cuddling with the hubby. Bonus- got a great sweat in at kick boxing today. First major work out in two weeks!
  • I'm in for this. Its been a crazy week which is why I haven't been posting. Report cards, phone calls home, field trips, meetings...etc. Had some 12+ hr work days. Life should be less crazy this week.
  • March 9: 600+ cals burned. Food/water goals followed. March 10: 900+ cals burned. Food/water goals followed. March 11: 600+ cals burned. Food/water goals followed.
  • @midgetgem2013‌ I would count real breakfast as something you (or someone else) has to actually make and has good protein and fiber to get to going right. Like an omlette, oatmeal, fruit and yogurt parfait with granola or nuts, egg sandwich...etc. Not a protein bar.
  • I'll do what I can with calorie burn... Have to take it easy this week and next- drs orders- but I still want to see the scale move down. The food challenge sounds close to how I usually eat anyways, so I'm game. March 8: 400+ cals burned, Had real breakfast, water before every meal, no fried/fast food, apple consumed, no…
  • I'm traveling this week so I'm going to aim for parts of this... In place of your workout, I'm going to aim to do Uptown Abs every day. (An routine to Uptown Funk) Easier to remember when traveling and works on similar muscles. Food diary: I'll track daily and make healthy choices. If something new comes up, I'll try it.…
  • Add me. I'm majormusic13 there too
  • Feb 15: 1 cup blueberries, 2 cups spring mix, 2 cups brussel sprouts, 1/2 cup grapes. Relaxed while watching Being Human with my hubby. Didn't get 7 hrs sleep. Sleep and I haven't been friends this past week. 25 minutes of cardio this morning. (Pilate's, Dance and Calisthenics) Feb 16: 5 cups fruit/veggies. Relaxed with…
  • @mycrazy8splus1‌ nice work!
  • Feb 15: 1 cup blueberries, 2 cups spring mix, 2 cups brussel sprouts, 1/2 cup grapes. Relaxed while watching Being Human with my hubby. Didn't get 7 hrs sleep. Sleep and I haven't been friends this past week. 25 minutes of cardio this morning. (Pilate's, Dance and Calisthenics)
  • Finally got back to the workouts today. Burned 240 cals.
  • Feb 10 burned 89 cals. Feb 11 burned 129 cals. Ate healthy. No junk. My body is still not feeling ready to work out.
  • Feb 10: healthy eating. Got my steps in, but didn't work out. My body is telling me it needs rest.
  • Feb 9: BC challenge complete, plus a cardio DVD with lots of lunges and squats as well as strength training tonight
  • Feb 8: Burned 1,400+ today. No Junk injested. (Already was avoiding most of that list anyways) Feb 9: Burned 700 today. Had some popcorn to get it out of the house without wasting it. Rest of my day was healthy.
  • When I reach ___ I will: 230: Get a massage 220: Get new black everyday boots 210: Get highlights 200: Get new work outfit 190: Sign up for a 5k like color run 180: Goal! Try on bikinis and possibly buy one, if not, an awesome tankini. (I've never liked my ribs even when I was 120, so I've never owned one.
  • Feb 6: BC day 1 complete Feb 7: BC day 2 complete. I added in a hip adduction after each side lunge. It felt like that was missing. Feb 8: Muay Thai class Calisthenics replaced BC for today. 3-4 sets of 20 of all of the following: Squats, Leg Raises, Thai Knees, Mountain Climbers, V Sit In and Outs, V Sit Mason Twists and…