

  • Thanks haybales im just heading to it now so will try and figure out how much work i actually end up doing! Probs not much but i thought it was worth askin the question!
  • Pretty much watching and then repeating lol we do a 10 min warm up and then it can be anything from pad work (ie fend offs and kicking) then its mainly alot of restraining work but as u say not all 8 hr intense and no where near real life experience as its all controlled, i wouldnt add it at all but as im just starting out…
  • Whats an accountability buddy? And how does it work? Im new so no idea what half the people on here talk about lol
  • Haha its just too easy, plus if u say no im not having that bar of chocolate its like u can hear it in the cupboard shouting until u give in, dam that intense urge! I also used to say "there is no calories if no one actually sees me eating it" or "i dont care im happy with my curves! i have nothing to prove" (nose growing…
  • Good luck mrs, lets get you that hair cut :p
  • Not really only because if i end up concentrating on how many reps then i think i would cut corners and not squat right down or pull myself into a proper sit up/crunch in order to beat my last work out if that makes sense! I do 5 of each and just repeat until the 20 mins is up but if i cant finish the 20 minutes doing the…
  • P.s its that bad i can only do the work out for 12 mins so far and im out of breath! Doesnt sound much but its tuff lol
  • Thats great vmorales sounds like ur really getting into it! No fat pics in nov if u keep going like this :# sfhappy not sure one tbs would suffice i may eat the tub lol but i see wot u mean with having the water with it to trick the brain into feeling full! I have just started an exercise routine which i do at home just a…
  • I am like that! I can be really good but then i get these crazy cravings and i just think i must have that packet of crisps and once i have them i get into the mind frame of well u messed up so have a fat day and start again tomorrow! But tomorrow doesnt come round so quickly! Wot an excuse to eat more rubbish! Lol
  • I eat!! So would also luv to hear how u r all doing it! :#
  • Oh im trying to do that too got a girls weekend the last week in april and i want to drop from a 14 to a 12 before then but have no will power, going to be an uphill struggle for me arghhh