Sas_Man Member


  • I totally understand where you are coming from, before I started running I could barely walk one block! Now I can average about 2 miles in 30 minutes. When I say running, I mean a walk/run program to build up to a full 30 minutes of running. The keys I have found for me are running consistently and changing up where I run,…
  • That's awesome advice about pace and speed grimmeanor! I found what helped me was running with others. Having someone with me makes me want to push a little harder and run for a little bit longer. When I don't have someone with me (because that is not always possible) I notice less motivation to keep going.
  • I knew I was a Big Man. My clothes barely fit and my belly pushed out on all my shirts. Whenever I could I would wear a sweatshirt of something to try to conceal it. I had given up on dieting after many failed attempts. I figured, might as well eat and be happy! But one day I could not even walk one block without running…