mzavilla Member


  • Yes - have had the same thing happen - when I posted a while ago - people thought I was crazy! My goal was 125 - I now hold pretty steady between 119-121. It's taken some tweeking with calories-have not decreased exercise. I just have learned to listen to my body more and when I am hungry I eat-if I'm not I don't - I don't…
  • Totally feel your pain, I'm 5'4" and about 119-was about 190 before. I actually quit a gym b/c of rude people that would make comments! You should be proud of your accomplishments and not worry about jealous people!
  • Thanks for the suggestions-I guess after loosing weight-I was scared to eat more and gain any back. Thanks for the suggestions-I will try. Everyone thinks I am getting too thin at this point so I would at least like to just stay where I'm at!
  • I can so relate - I still don't see a thin person in the mirror. I really struggle with this since I lost almost 70 pounds about a yr ago and have been maintaining for 6 months. I also never really saw a fat person in the mirror either! I totally have a distorted view of myself. I think part of my problem is that I am…