darksfallen Member


  • Hello again! Been a long time, back to it I think, derailed for a bit, too many easy excuses with things going on. :P Fires, evacuations Ice Storms, more evacuations, blah blah. Anyway, another attempt here. I need to accomplish two things. I have the first under wraps (I think), I could not do both at the same time, I am…
  • Hi there, saying hi again (other post in the main Intro Area), though I think this time is to the group I will call home. Chris here joined 11 years ago and did not do much with it, my coworkers were going to do a thing and as it turned out did not really do anything and so not much happened until now. I found myself on…
  • Hey! Good luck, I started on the Jan 12th 2021, I'm getting back to that fit husband for my wife basically. She never asked, but I wanted to do it for her, I've never done much for myself, I like doing things for other people. Mind over body I think they say, I'm really not in the place to give advice but I find myself in…
  • Good morning! Yep just making a couple changes every two weeks. I know that says X calories in a day there's I guess a lot going on here, a lot more than I thought. I don't even pretend to know a whole fraction of what there is to know. **(Just putting in my Height and Weight and 2 pounds a week if I just eliminate the…