I'm here, that's a step in the right direction.

Hi there, new to all this, including talking to others lol.

So a little background in my desire to lose weight.

Always been fat blah blah, skip ahead to May 2020. Found out I was pregnant. This was super awesome news, we'd been trying since our first child (now years old). Unfortunately, I lost the baby in July. Crushing. This was my second miscarriage and my son was born 10 week premature. Something has got to be wrong, right? I'm not a "go to the dr. kinda girl" so I just did a little research into what I wanted. Basically, I came to the conclution that me being overweight was not helping my situation.

When I found out I was prego, I decided that day to start drinking water only. It wasn't much, but it was SOMETHING better than I had been doing. I have stuck to that completely, but that was all I did. Strangely, my desire for another baby was not stronger than my desire to do anything else that would be helpful.

Fast forward to New Years Eve 2020. My husband decided that was the day to tell me that he wants to sleep with a thin girl. He has never and wants to. Uhm...we're married darling. Ain't no skinny girls here. Boo this whole situation. However, apparently my desire to make my husband happy IS stronger! If he wants a skinny girl, he's going to have it.

That is what I needed to push me to actually make a change. Obviously, my own desires for a "skinny girl" weren't enough to make me move. But this man that I love, who has never hesitated to tell me how beautiful I am (even being a blob), was enough. He deserves better, he makes me want to be better and that includes physically.

I started my diet and weight loss journey January 6th, 2021. I am chosing my foods wisely, and working out (cardio and weight training) 5 days a week.

My husband says he can already feel a difference. You can't see it, but he says he can feel my muscles being firmer. Woot!

Every day I feel better and better after a workout. I LOVE having a sore muscle because it means that lazy fella got used! I'm excited to be on this trip to fit!

I know, its been a week crazy lady, but don't they say something about the strength of mind being as important as strength in body? Anyway, thanks for being here, thanks for reading. Good luck to me, you, and everybody!


  • darksfallen
    darksfallen Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! Good luck, I started on the Jan 12th 2021, I'm getting back to that fit husband for my wife basically. She never asked, but I wanted to do it for her, I've never done much for myself, I like doing things for other people.

    Mind over body I think they say, I'm really not in the place to give advice but I find myself in a similar place so take it with a grain of salt.