ashmurray1616 Member


  • Why does it matter if they log it? They still know they did it. Maybe they don't want to acknowledge that they are imperfect. Maybe they don't want people to know they were weak about what they ate. Maybe they have been working hard to reach their goal and they were giving themselves a freaking break. It doesn't matter why…
  • I was just curious :) I also quick add 100-200 calories in the morning to help with any "missed calories". :wink:
  • My husband and I do a cheat day but lately I have been trying to spread it out because everything at once makes me feel really sluggish and sick. I guess what it boils down to is what works best for you. Personally, I think if you can eat clean for 6 out of 7 days, you are doing very good. But it depends on what you are…
  • I set a timer that lets me know when I have been sitting for 30 mins. When the timer goes off, I get up and stretch and take a lap around the office. I also make "excuses" to walk. Don't email, walk to that person and talk to them instead. Get a small water bottle that way you drink it faster and have to walk to fill it up…
  • I have done it in the past and I lost about 30lbs. I love it. It helped me lose weight and tone at the same time. I just restarted it on Sunday. I had a baby recently and need to lose so that's my go to workout.