

  • My fave: nut milk berries banana 1 tbsp peanut butter or handful of other nuts chia seeds or ground flax and tons of spinach or kale. It's so filling and energizing!
  • I guess I'm flexitarian--I have been eating too much meat because my fiance is on a very restricted diet due to an autoimmune condition that does not allow him to eat starch. So meat is on the menu for him every day, and unfortunately I am usually too busy/frustrated to cook myself a different meal. In 2015 I'm working on…
  • Thanks for the welcome, I already feel at home! Liapr--congrats on your engagement/wedding, I hope we can support each other through these next months. I like the idea of a bath reward! I love baths, but rarely find the time. I could get some fancy bath salts to make it even more enticing. One way I've found to treat…
  • Hi everyone, I'm new to this group but I've been trying to ETL since I read the book several years ago. I too am rededicating myself to the plan for the new year. I'm getting married in June, so that's my short term motivation--long term, I just want to feel good about myself and for my body to feel nourished and cared…