emi1997 Member


  • Hey - am in the same boat. Doing a reasonable amount of exercise, but weight is not shifting. Body shape is though, but not by enough... feel free to add me as while not about to chuck it all in, I am losing the motivation and have stopped logging food as much as I used to.. But it is worth hanging in there!
  • I definitely found it harder after each child - metabolism can change after a pregnancy, depending upon how active you were during it, as well weight loss being harder with each passing decade (apparently we need to eat 10% fewer calories each decade we age, and I certainly was eating more and not less!). Pre-kids, if I…
  • I lost 20 kilos 8 years ago, kept it off, and then gained it all back when my dad, to whom I was always very close, got diagnosed with cancer. Grief is such a very complex thing to deal with, and unfortunately many Christians seem to think we should cope just fine with it.... rubbish! If you break a leg, you need a doctor.…