mel1646 Member


  • Good morning, I have recently signed up to run a half marathon. Training started 2/6/23. I run 4 days a week following Hal Higdon. I am looking forward to crushing my half marathon time and running it without walking. Yes, I know sometimes you have to walk and that's ok. But this is a goal for me. Can't wait to see and…
  • STARTING WEIGHT AND DATE WITH MFP (MY FITNESS PAL):148.0 01/2015 CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT:140.0 December 7:141.2 December14:140.0 December 21: December 28: December Goal:138 December Actual: January 4: January 11: January 18: January 25: January Goal: January Actual: February 1: February 8 : February 15: February 22 :…
  • I am starting over again to lose weight and tone to muscle... and the weekends are the hardest.. today's weight 144.4 September's Goal 139 ultimate goal 132-135 ( a little breathing room)