jjmariposa Member


  • Portion size helps me (have a steak but make it a small one) and some substitutions here and there. Also I look at seasonings and flavor.
  • Go to a shop that offers bra fittings. They will measure you and look at your shape. It might take a couple of fittings to narrow it down (I had one fitting/measurement done and she was way off- then I asked for someone else and they nailed it). You can then look for those specific bras on sale there or in other stores.…
    in Bra help Comment by jjmariposa July 2017
  • Days of Wine and Roses - Andy Williams
  • I just had that experience - doing well before I ate all those crackers. Now I'm just back to looking at today and what I can do now.
  • Sheer willpower and determination. I want a change and I have recognized that I truly feel better when I stick to the plan. Yesterday I was eating saltines here and there and realized I don't really like them anymore. I've had days where I grazed through a whole package. Yesterday I ate a fraction of that and it wasn't…
  • I made a casserole for dinner last night. I used the recipe option and logged the ingredients. It was well over 1,000 calories - for the entire dish. I then logged it into dinner as a 25% portion. I was convinced I'd be hungry and would want more. Previously I'd have eaten a 50% portion. Nope, I didn't need more or want…
  • More than two Fritos. Just had two and didn't want any more!
  • Been doing the online log for a few weeks - 1200 calories. It's gotten smoother over time, with less looking for a particular food and adding that to my meal log. Went clothes shopping last week. Hated it. Nothing fit - including an entire line of shoes and I came home frustrated. The saving grace was the other brand of…
  • Terrific discussion. I'm just over 50 by a few. Just trying to get my weight/measurements down so that I've got more options for clothes. Been doing the logs for a few weeks and seeing results - but very, very slowly. I was thin so many years ago so this is all a bit new but then it's not. Just want a change and like the…
    in Over 50 Comment by jjmariposa July 2015