

  • Thanks guys all great suggestions and I will definitely be trying them out. So happy to be part of this group.
  • So far not good at the getting up early but I am hanging in there and will keep trying. How is everyone else doing with their goals.
  • My baby step this week is to get up early so I have time to eat breakfast before work. I think this will help me from wanting to snack out of the vending machine.
  • 1. I have no human children but love my cats like my babies. 2. My husband passed away 3 years ago this Christmas making me the youngest widow in my family. 3. I am a hospital manager at a veterinary clinic. 4. I have been working with animals since I was 14. 5. I pretend to be tough but am really kind and giving. 6. I am…
  • I have an eating habit of whenever I feel depressed or bored I eat, even if I am not hungry. I also worry that I have an eating disorder because I can be full but if there is food around I will totally eat. It is a blow to my self confidence in myself. One of my goals for this week is to practice better self control. I am…