Mango08 Member


  • I am just starting to read the book Wheat Belly and one statement really caught my eye. If anyone has read this book, I'd be interested if you read and applied and whether you had any success. Here is the paraphrase of the statement that caught my eye: From Wheat Belly - Chapter 1: "people who stopped eating wheat also…
  • BTW everyone I am just starting my diet again as my daughter is getting married in July so I really need to stay focused. You will likely see me on the blog boards looking for support.
  • I also have this problem and love the tip about the home spa services .... I do exercises while watching TV and I find that it helps. Jessaha .... so right .. it is hard to not have treats in the house when you have a family. I know! So if you can't influence them to come along (and I could not) then just have your own…