zuly886 Member


  • Add me if you want i use my fitbit everyday and it helps so much it also tracks my workouts everytime im under zuly
  • Thank You all i will try weighting my food better i usually eat 1300 calories a day
  • My advice is it depends on height and weight working out is good in a part because it helps you gain muscles plus helps you stay active more if you cant afford the gym you can always try home exercises i do that especially cardio you can buy dumbbells and pull strings it helps alot and keep tracking your calories everyones…
  • Thank You everyone i will try all these
  • Im the same way but i think dinner time is the worst because you eat a smaller meal and you stay hungry is tough now is hard for me to lose more weight after losing 30lbs im 5'1 and 150 lbs and trying to reach my goal of 135 i also work so it has been hard for me. Good Luck
  • I also eat popcorn and buy the ones that says 100 cals
  • Thank You i look around 100 cals or less i usually eat greek vanilla yogurt maybe i should cut that one off my diet because of sugar and use plain one i also buy Love organic granola with dark chocolate and mix it with the yogurt and eat at night it fills me up but im not trying to have sugar at night
  • I LOVE THE THINK THIN BARS it has 10 grams of protein i love the brownie crunch i eat it in the morning when im in a rush to get to work it keeps me full til lunch
  • Sorry if my post was confusing yes i know there is no meals to lose fat i should had especify what i meant was meals that help with fat lose and things i could do to lose belly fat
  • My calorie goal is 1350 a day im 5'1 and weigh 152 now i like some sweets and some salty snack it has to be healthy not to much sweet or salty and for dinner i want something filling i like sweet potatoes chicken baked only and asparagus i have done stirfry before with all that i use olive oil and coconut oil to cook my…
  • I'm 29 152 5'1 i want to get to 135 lbs
  • Sorry I meant to say in 4 weeks
  • Hi dont give up i lost my younger brother in 2011 he was 22 he committed suicide after he passed i got depression and anxiety but manage to get better by working out and eating healthy exercise is a good thing to do when you feel down and make friedns is always good to talk to people :)
  • ;)
  • Yes my fitness blender i lost 40lbs with them in under 1 year i do it 3x-4x a week u can do it 30-60 mins i love them
  • Thanks yes is confusing sometimes i weight mysels once a week and i do it in the morning before eating and that happens to me