lizzmongoose Member


  • Haha, that's part of my point too if I'm going to indulge it's going to be at friend and family parties.
  • I find cheat days help tremendously. I do it once a week normally on the weekend. I find it's nice to have a day I can go out and not worry about how much butter was used in my veggies or substituting the fries for salad. I eat at a 700 calorie deficit all week and generally find I barely hit maintenance on cheat…
  • I stick to 1200 calories 6 days a week and allow myself to relax my diet one day (my version of a cheat day) generally end up around 1500-1700 on that day but it varies. *Note I do stick to a pescatarian diet Brrakfast: generally about 200 -230 calories will be an English muffin egg white sandwich with a little cheese and…