Nancy82144 Member


  • Greetings ladies.... I just wanted to share my joy. I know you do not know much of me nor me of you but I am trying to read and learn a little about you all.. Today was my first weigh in and I lost 8 pounds! Have had a good day, great worship service with some great friends and good lunch. It is cold here for Ft Worth…
  • Good morning all.... Several were sharing their word for the year. I think mine is: Be Real. Respectfully recognize the things, people, goals, the mistakes,the wins etc and keep them in perspective. Sometimes I just try to avoid thinking about something I've done as if it is not reality but every choice has a consequence.…
  • Thank you...I have a lot to learn
  • How do you make this group one of "your groups". I can see the group and star it but I can't seem to find hiw to join it. Thanks in advance
  • Hi, my name is Nancy. I am starting today and found this community. Do you mind if I join in and get to know you? I need accountability and occasional pushes as this is a major struggle for me. I find food to be a consolation and really showing my "faults" is daunting. Perfectionism is a rouse to protect the appearance of…