
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Nancy ... welcome! You will find this to be a great place for support. There are others here who have a "pastor's family" background ... but we all understand that where two or more or gathered there shalt be food! :wink:

    Drkatiebug ... add me to your organizational tour! Was it you ... by the way ... who is doing an inspirational guide with your eating? I remember a discussion earlier but can't remember who started it or the name of the book!

    On a roll here with getting things put away ... just taking a break ...

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello everyone: Glad so many new people are joining us. I managed to get through the holidays with a few fluctuations but weighed in and am the same as before they started. I will take that.

    Trying to get my time more organized. Since I retired I have been great at procrastination. Oh, I can do that tomorrow since I don't have to go to work. Problem is I seem to be able to put things off for quite a while. I need to adopt a new attitude, so if it can be done in less than 15 minutes, "do it now"! or at least take a bite out of that elephant. I think it is the "FlyLady" who says you can do anything for 15 minutes.

    Katla - Some people who do competitive trail riding use sweats. Wranglers are made specifically for riding with flat seams on the inside. I usually don't have a problem but some days it seems like I get a wrinkle or the inseam in the wrong place or something and it is just uncomfortable. My DGD only wears breeches even though she rides western because she says they are comfortable and stretchy.

    Allison - Take a deep breath, you can do this.

    Sylvia - Glad you are feeling better.

    Joyce - Glad your Christmas went well and your plumbing issues were fixed. You deserve to rest up now.

    Robin - You will have to post pictures when the bathroom is done.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Nancy ... welcome! You will find this to be a great place for support. There are others here who have a "pastor's family" background ... but we all understand that where two or more or gathered there shalt be food! :wink:

    Drkatiebug ... add me to your organizational tour! Was it you ... by the way ... who is doing an inspirational guide with your eating? I remember a discussion earlier but can't remember who started it or the name of the book!

    On a roll here with getting things put away ... just taking a break ...


    Yes, that was me. I am doing Taste for Truth coupled with the app I Deserve a Donut. Both are by Barb Raveling. I missed a few days in the Christmas rush, but I am back to doing the daily questions and scriptures. It helps, it really does.
  • SoCalPhoenix
    SoCalPhoenix Posts: 4 Member
    I really saw myself in the mirror this morning after finishing a work out tape. I sat on the floor and just cried. Yep, I managed to completely sabotage myself this year by eating, all the while knowing that I was moving backwards and I would have to work harder to get the weight off. I found this board and honestly some of the things you all have written or quotes included have made an impact on me. Thank you!

    2015 - Strength (yes, that is a good thing for this year)

    It's a journey and a lifestyle change. Challenge my courage to be the best I can be.
  • Nancy82144
    Nancy82144 Posts: 5 Member
    How do you make this group one of "your groups". I can see the group and star it but I can't seem to find hiw to join it.
    Thanks in advance
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Nancy - this isn't a "group" as such. It is a thread, restarted by our lovely Barbie every month. Welcome to this great band of women! :flowerforyou:
    - Heather UK
  • Nancy82144
    Nancy82144 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you...I have a lot to learn
  • SoCalPhoenix
    SoCalPhoenix Posts: 4 Member
    I just now figured this out right now!! Lol. I have been trying to "join" the group. I really like this board!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.We have some snow,not much.Bitter temps coming this way and 4-6 in of snow.Had a nice Church service,prayed for Melody.She`s having a good day surrounded by family.Thanks for the love and support.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    edited January 2015
    Will put in my stats later, welcome to all newcomers, even though I think oh myself as one :0), new to the grp, not mfp
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    TNToni and Cynthia the house I have for sale is located in Cookeville, TN. It is an hour east of Nashville on Route 40.

    Cynthia, the mindmap I created using a program called MindNode that a previous manager wanted me to use. I didn’t use it much but am going to start. Pen and paper works well too, but the arthritis in my fingers affects my handwriting so I prefer to type.

    Took tree down today. That is always a depressing task for me but the house feels much more spacious without the tree and all the decorations. I have had a stomach bug the last couple days. Helping to keep my calories down. Good and bad at the same time!

    The realtor says there are lots of small things that need to be done in the TN house to sell it for a decent price. I am not sure how I am going to pay for that, but God has my back. If it is to be, I will find a way.

    Have to go feed the fur babies and get something for dinner.

    Hugs to all!

    Rita from CT
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes, I am glad I got my identity back without having to go to the administrators. I was surprised at Charlie, he is so non technical but that was the first thing he mentioned that I do. I guess maybe I should listen to him more often. Myrtle Beach Janet, I remember how lost I was in Walmart when I had to go out of the plus section. I never really found my way around it. Michelle finally told me that even though I can find clothes to fit me there, I could fins clothes that flattered me when I pay a little more. So Kohls and Christopher Banks are my two stores now. And Christopher Banks sister store which is also right next door is their plus sized store CJ Banks. The web sites are the same, their styles are the same.

    OK, my Christmas weekend. Friday Christina and the family got in while the plumbers were outside working. They were warned to stop somewhere where they cold go to the bathroom. But not long after the got here, the plumbers were ready for us to flush one commode and check it. Then they just had to finish in snaking out the rest of the back yard so family were really never inconveinced. They enjoyed watching the back hoe putting the yard back together again. It was very traumatic for me to have to stop shopping for the teenage grand daughter at my safe store, Justice, and go to teenage stores. But she loved the dress I got for her and understood when I told her that when I went to the store she wanted me to that this dress was the only dress there that not only met her requests but Grandmas requirements. She was proud enough of it that she wore it yesterday when the whole crew came in. The length was good, it was red, outer layer lace she just needs to grow a little up top to have it look real good on her. But the jeans and boots were the biggest hit! Hew smile was so big when she wore them. She also loved the pink zebra storage bins and bandanas were a hit. The 8 year old is still a little girl in many ways. But the store Justice has her size so I still have my 'safe' store. I really enjoyed our own family Christmas. My oldest daughter and hubbie don't make a lot of money and she asked it I wanted a blue tooth. I thought a blue tooth was what people wore in thier ears so they can talk hand fee on the phone. she gets a lot of things through the website that many cites have called 'all things in commen' and everything is free. So I said yes, I could use one. I had no idea that this blue tooth is a tiny powerful speaker that I can sue with my iPad, phone and laptop. Charlie is one that has a philosophy that if it is cheap it is good. He for some reason is really cold all the time. His thyroid levels are OK while on his dose of medicine. BUt he is still freezing. So he dresses in a tshirt, long sleeve shirt and insulated hoody most of the time. All the rest of us are nor believing that you get hat you pay for. Michelle learned from her now ex husband who was in the National Guard about the type of clothing that is not bulky but is made of the kind of material that makes you warm. He tried it on for her and said he would not wear it but she bought it anyway and he loves ot. Now if only I could get him to realize that with watches.

    Saturday the family started coming over around 11 AM. If you remember I have two nephew that just can't top having babies and don't marry the girls. I do't know how it has worked out but those children are the most precious and well behaved kids.. And my nephews are terrific Dads. One nephew is still with his women, just not married, the other guy decided that he needed to move on. But they came together, shared the hotel room and were real lovey dovey here. Just don't understand it. How can you move on, have another steady girlfriend. They have a 3 week old and was so precious!

    I think we have a good sized family room but when you start serving dinner and you put 2 8 foot tables, a 6 foot table, 5 foot table, Mom's antique Duncan Fyfe with both leaves in it for all the buffet set up food, a card table for deserts, 33 chairs that are sitting next to furniture, fireplace or Christmas tree...well it doesn't spell fun anymore. By the time everyone has gone through the line, it some one needs to go to the bathroom or for seconds, you have to ask at least 2 people to stand up and move. So even though it will be difficult for me to do, I will relinquish control and we will have it some where else from now on. We have agreed that because we love the family situation and even though it is crazy and zany, it wouldn't be a Peterson Christmas if we weren't in a family home type environment for the gift exchange because we never want to leave out the real reason for Christmas, that Jesus is the reason for the season. So we will come back to my house for the gifts. Now as the family gets bigger, oow, I don't know what will happen.

    The guys 'cleaned up' my family room before everyone went back to the hotels. HMMM, I think not. We still have 30 chairs in the family room and toys are out, the recliner is still in the laundry room along with my antique bench, Mom's table still has the leaves in and the ends up. So Michelle came over today to have leftovers with Christina and family and they finished 'cleaning up'. Yes, all chairs were put away, recliner and bench retrieved from the laundry room and toys now in the toy area and they said it was cleaned up, no no no. So when they all finally pulled away in their cars, we cleaned it up. I just hope we can keep it cleaned up. That's the part we aren't good at. The cat is now back to her usual loving self, Charlie has had his nap and I think the family is back to normal. And I am still breathing and I know Mom would be proud of me!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good grief, we have become extremely prolific! It was a quiet day here; fine with me. I think I have found my "word", or maybe it found me. I walked today and measured my steps with the pedometer........3,650 steps in about 40min. and came up with the word "determined". First, I thought of "disgusted" (because I am with myself) but that seemed pretty negative........so, "determined" it will be.

    Janet.......Long posts are fine........respond to whatever tickles your fancy! Major congrats on being so close to that 30!!!

    Katla......My paternal GM died after a stroke. My dad had a TIA in his 60's which resolved with no after effects. In his 70's he had a severe stroke which involved much rehab. I was going to suggest English breeches; I see Sue already did. Dover is a big supplier, or a lot of tack shops have a consignment section if you don't want to pay a lot. Bike shorts with the butt padding could be worn over the breeches if you want comfort over style.

    Barb........Up till 2am??? Good for you!!! The only time I'm up at 2am is when I get awake and can't go back to sleep.

    Heather........Thank you for the hunger saying!!! It's funny how some words or phrases "speak" to you more than others. LOVE Last Tango and Foyle!!!! Can't wait for our PBS to get the new ones.

    drkatie.........I think I'd really have liked your Aunt Sis!!!

    Sylvia.........Very glad you are feeling better!

    meg.......It is soooooo nice to see you back and posting again. I didn't realize just how awful that last quarter was until you did the recap......bet you are glad it's a new year.


    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day, quickie mini workout-
    jog- 27.11min, 8.45ap, 6.7-10sp, 3.11mi
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I like the new beginning of a new year as well. All caught up on posts again.

    Today has been busy - went to church, had lunch with DH and did some returns/exchanges before going for a couple of items at the store. Also took down the last of Christmas and started laundry. Still have to update the checkbook and do a few other things, but also want to sit and stitch some tonight.

    I was on the phone with one of my sisters for almost an hour and just walked around the house all that time, so I have almost 10,000 steps so far. Did the same yesterday with my other sister - the one with BC (both sides). Her chemo has been hard this time she said.

    DS#1 and his sweetheart are having us over to their place next weekend, along with DS#2 for our Christmas (with DS#2) and DH's birthday celebration. Then I think we are officially done celebrating for a bit. Work is busy, busy, still - there is a lot to wrap up in two weeks!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Afternoon Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Went to see Into the Woods because Imitation Game was sold out. It had some good actors. The review had me expecting more from it. For me it was okay and somewhat interesting how they put a spin on familiar Fairy Tales.

    Dr. Katiebug thank you for inspiring me in how nice it is to have things in their place. It looks great.

    I am trying to ask myself as I go through things does it serve me functionally? or aesthetically, does it have a home?, is there room?, can it replaced? what is the cost to store it?

    Then it is reduce, reuse, recycle and not be afraid to pitch if it is worn out.

    I am making it a goal to log my food everyday because my weight it up 10 pounds. I maintained for two years. It is time to stop the momentum of gaining and get back to my maintenance weight.

    2015 word: Strength

    Allison I use the word I choose as a touchstone to guide me at the times I need it. It sounds like the word resonates with you too.

    2015 quote : "Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite."


  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good evening friends,

    Took down the decorations today and did not make it to the Y. Slacking on exercise a little this week. I am anxious for hubby to return to working evenings because when I don't have to cook our big meal at noon, I sleep in and intend to workout around noon. Sometimes I don't get it done. (Just realized what an excuse this is! Blahhhh!) Okay - this week will be better.

    DeeDee - so sorry you are sick
    Rita - ditto
    Sylvia - glad you are better

    Janet - WTG! 30 lbs since Oct. is great. It took me from June til this week to lose 25.

    Heather - How wonderful that you write! Inspiring.....

    Barb - I was up until 3:00 last night with TV and the novel I am reading. CRAZY!

    KatieBug - Great looking shelves!

    MN Margaret - I saw Into the Woods, too. It seemed too much for me but Meryl Streep was awesome, wasn't she?

    Some of you have mentioned Chihuliy's (SP?) work. A few years ago he had an exhibit in Nashville. I was participating in an Arts in Education program (since common core- no more time for it at my old school). It was wonderful!

    Word for 2015 - Opportunity

    Gratitude - Strength - Faith
  • tmowes2014
    tmowes2014 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I'm looking forward to starting with a clean slate tomorrow. I'm setting long term goals with little ones along the way.

    Tami SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Stephanie Vitorrio's Body Target 60 DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do at least one segment of Fit in a Flash DVD, hold my plank, then go to the extremepump class.

    Since I won't be going to mahjongg tomorrow night, after exercise I'll drop off lettuce ribs by this one gal's house then the nominating committee for Newcomers (of which I'm head -- hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew) is going to meet for a bit. Then the afternoon we have senior bowling, then I come home and start the <snicker> WONDERFUL Dulcolax stuff.

    Anyone who checks out my menu be forwarned. My breakfast tomorrow will be jello. I know, it isn't real healthy. But it's one of the few things that I can have. At least I'll eat more than Vince will. I'll eat (drink) broth, drink tea, have apple juice. He wouldn't even have that.

    marywetterlund - awesome weight loss!

    Joyce - your christmas sounds so great. Can't wait to hear more about it. Rest now.

    DeeDee - so sorry you're not feeling well. And this chilly weather doesn't help one bit, either. Sending virtual salt-free chicken soup (Kitchen Basics makes it, I get it at walMart). No, I wish I've seen the sunshine. We need to bring in the inflatables and run them in the garage to dry them out. The good thing is that when we run them in the garage, the garage gets warm. But that's about the ONLY good part.

    Janet - good for you being one pound away from your mini-goal. What will your next one be? 35 pounds?

    Sylvia - yea for heat and you feeling better.

    kardiokim - welcome! What kind of cardio do you like the best?

    Meg - I just couldn't bear to have those ashes in the house and I just knew that Vince would never get around to burying them, so on my insistence we had them shipped to his family in MO. They kept calling asking when he was coming out to bury them, I just knew that he wouldn't. Finally his one cousin said that he'd bury them, something about the cemetery being sold. Personally, I don't think the cemetery is being sold, I suspect that's his reason to get them out of his house. And I don't blame him one tiny bit.

    sclemmon - you've come to a great place for support

    Nancy - welcome. Looking froward to getting to know you, too. Did you always live in Texas?

    Beth - how right you are "where two or more are gather, there will be food" Put a smile on my face

    drkatiebug - don't forget a stop in NC on your tour!

    Allison - keep coming back in.

    Rita - feel better fast

    Joyce - your Christmas sounds like so much fun.

    Michele in NC

    Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Forgot to mention....

    remember I told you that we put money into Bryan's PayPal account? Well, the other day we got a package addressed to him. Vince sent him an email saying that it feels like it's a CD.

    Tonight I got an email from Bryan saying that that package and two others that are coming here are for us. Now I'm torn, we didn't give him the money so that he could buy us something. I'll probably leave this to Vince. Maybe Bryan felt guilty.

    Michele in NC