

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Sue it's very hard to lose weight on Prednisone. Good luck and wishing you all the best health wise.

    Well seen a little gain of .2 this morning. But i'll take care of that today. Right today.
    Yesterday was a lazy day. And I think today might be the same.

    see you all lighter
    Linda in the cold cold Northern Ontario.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I was up at 1am and seen -37 no wonder the house is so hard to heat.
    Don't ask why I'm not out walking lol.

    I had a lot of left over desserts and I got rid of them New Years Day my niece was here and I asked if she wanted them. Gone and I'm grateful for that. I hate throwing good food out.

    I like those little cinnamon hearts than come out in around Valentine's day they are low in calories 50 cal. for 20 candies a couple of those and I'm good.

    Life will get in the way sometimes.
    But aren't grandkids great.

    See you all
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everyone. It's 7am and I'm out of bed, but not for long. I can't even keep water down. I think the fever broke about 2 am. That's when I woke up sweating instead of freezing. But now my cheeks feel pretty hot. It's strange, when I get a fever my left cheek gets really red but the right cheek doesn't.

    Last night hubby brought me the digital thermometer, but he was being helpful and washed it in the sink. Of course water got inside and ruined it. So, I don't have a clue what my temp really is.

    Ok, you Canadian ladies have shamed me into stopping complaining about the cold weather. The lowest we've had is +10 degrees F. I don't know how people survive up there.

    Joyce, I think MFP went crazy on New Years. It gave you a new name and it reset my streak back to zero. I'm just sure I posted every day. Usually two or three times. Oh well.

    Update: I just discovered that MFP has a special reset tool just for the streak counter, so my streak is now reset to 568 days. I get a kick out of seeing that big number, but of course the 124 in my ticker is the big number that really matters.

    Well, I have to go back to bed. I hope you all have a great Saturday.


  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    I have a question for all of you VIL's. (that's very intelligent ladies :smiley: )
    Do any of you have any low calorie desserts that you make? I don't normally eat sweets, but sometimes I just get a little sweet tooth. I normally satisfy that with fruit but thought some of you may have an idea to share. I think they make diet pudding, don't they? What do I know.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

    Baked apple with a little butter and brown sugar. Can do in Microwave.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Janet, I like the 100 calorie packs of Keebler cookies. I know they are more expensive that way, but to me it's worth the extra money for the portion control. Once that tiny bag is empty I'm satisfied. Hubby would just open another bag!

    Another thing I like is 321 Cake. You take a box of angel food cake mix and a box of any other flavor and mix them together in a big ziplock bag. Then take three tablespoons of the cake mix, mix it with two tablespoons of water in a cup or small bowl, and microwave it for one minute. I like to drop in a few frozen tart cherries or peaches to make a little mini cobbler. I have two bags in my pantry right now. One with white cake mix and one with chocolate. I think carrot cake would be good too.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Thanks for the dessert ideas, ladies. Others are encouraged to share as well.
    *Barb in south LA, that sounds like such fun with your grandchildren. Being a little sleep deprived has to be worth it to have all three in bed with you. You know they love their Grand.

    Welcome, welcome, welcome to all the new people. So glad you are with us and looking forward to getting to know you.

    I hate that so many of you are getting sick. :( We try to stay out of crowded places when it gets this bad, so as not to be exposed. I can't believe the sick people that go out in public to expose the rest of the world. A friend wanted me to go to the movies with her and I won't go in there because of the flu. I have a doctor appt on Monday and hate that I know how many germs are in the waiting room.

    Have a great and healthy day, all.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • TatianaMacKenzie
    TatianaMacKenzie Posts: 23 Member
    Mollywhippet / Sylvia:
    Re your 321 cake: about how many CAL would that be? I sometimes feel I need a sweet dessert which is not an apple and would like to try your suggestion. It sounds like just the thing!!!
    Tatiana in the Niagara Peninsula
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in - good morning everyone.
    - Thought I might get another outside walk today - not sure - the wind chill is -35 Celsius. Once I bundle up to go check on the pets I will probably walk in the trees so I am sheltered from the wind. If I don't come back.... I am frozen and hopefully with a smile on my face, ha ha ha..

    Lillian in very cold Northern Saskatchewan
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Good Saturday Morning!

    It snowed here, but DH is going to make the 4 hour trek for his bowling tournament. My Dad is taking DS to his bowling league, since I am at work this morning.

    Janet - don't be embarrassed to put on a mask and use the hand sanitizer that should be available in your Doctor's office. We keep that stuff available to protect ourselves and our patients, both. Can you imagine everything I am exposed to on a daily basis?

    Sylvia - I am SO excited to purchase and try the 321 dessert :D Thanks for sharing. I plan to also teach DS, since it seems like something he would be willing to do for himself.

    I hope all who are feeling poorly are able to recuperate quickly. Stomach viruses and influenza are miserable. My DS had influenza last week inspite of the vaccination, but luckily his only lasted a few days, and now he only has a residual cough, which seems to be managable with claritin and vitamin C drops. I hope you all are as lucky as he was.

    I had a Redd's wicked and Panda Express last night (new insurance at work made me VERY stressed), so I have to really pound the water today to flush out all the salt.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    With regard to desserts - every night we have some kind of stewed fruit. DH buys and prepares it. He uses some kind of alcohol which boils off, a sachet of Stevia and a tiny bit of sugar. The resulting dessert lasts about 3 days for the two of us. Could be pears with cinnamon, apple and blackberry or blackcurrants, or often plums. We have it with a spoonful of homemade yoghourt. It makes me feel we are having a real dessert though its only about 130 cals. I have it around 8.30 pm so I don't go to bed hungry.
    - I have also tried the calorie free jelly. Once. Doesn't taste of much, but it is something to eat. There are lots of calorie free puddings on Amazon. Some have good reviews. I also in the past used to mix a sachet of low cal drinking chocolate with low fat yoghourt. Not bad.
    - But I am very happy with my stewed fruit.

    Started off the day by buying a book about habit creation. Haven't read it yet, but just the thought of it was enough to make me drag out my novel WINDOWS and get typing. (I'm going to put it on Kindle) I hope to create good habits of typing and/or writing daily. I only did an hour, but I think I am more likely to stick with it if I don't do marathon sessions at a time.

    Sooooo happy to be back to normal in eating. And drinking! We are eating healthy left overs tonight so I haven't got to cook anything apart from a large helping of broccoli! ! :bigsmile: The house feels peaceful. Did all my exercises. Marvellous!

    We have our holiday jabs on Wed. A lot of mine ran out last year so I have about four to do. Some are oral now. Today I ordered some strong bug repellent and some itch buster, if we do get bitten. :laugh: I also have a sucker thing for bad bites. We are off to Sri Lanka at the beginning of Feb. Not been there before. We travel with a great company that arranges individual tours - just the two of us and a driver. We are allergic to organised tours. :laugh: And we love each other's company. I would be happy to lose another pound or so before I go, although I am at target - just to allow for a bit of holiday eating! I looooove hot curries! :love:

    Got to make a cup of tea and take DH up his Christmas cake. He is watching rugby in his study. All back to normal. <3

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Morning ladies
    Just a quick post to mark the thread.

    :o 5 pages already, what a good start to the year. I've just skimmed the posts (sorry!) as I need to get a start on the day.

    I was back at work yesterday and must admit to being a bit nervous. It was a quiet day thank goodness and although I couldn't remember how to do a few things, I thought about it and it came back to me. I was tired at the end of the day though, and would have left early if my work colleague had not taken the day off.

    I was fine during the day at work, I even went home at lunchtime to check on the dog, but for some reason walking home at the end of the day I found myself getting very weepy and cried all the way home - goodness knows what people thought, luckily I had a hat and big scarf wrapped around me so maybe they didn't notice. I was a bit emotional all night and even this morning find myself filling up at the slightest thing.

    Well I should get on time is running away with me, I need to do my 10 min exercise before starting on the chores. That is the only "goal" I have given myself this new year, to do 10 mins every day. I'm using the 10 min videos on Sparkpeople. They are very good.

    Love to all <3

    Viv York UK (dark and damp even though its nearly 10:30 am)

    One day at a time, Viv. I think you're courageous and doing well, considering. Sending good thoughts your way. :heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    testing, testing Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Morning Friends,

    Enjoyed having my tea yesterday. There were six total. I liked having two smaller parties. I could enjoy them more. Now it is time to start taking down the decorations. I do the tree last because it takes the longest. I did get some more LED lights at 70% off. I am slowly getting rid of the less energy efficient kind.

    Sylvia hope you are feeling better. Hope we can encourage each other to downsize. I have a feeling after dealing with my mom's home I will be even more motivated.

    Deedee you too! I hope you recover quickly from the flu quickly. After having the swine flu a few years ago I take getting the flu very seriously. I have upped my probiotics through fermented foods this year and so far so good. That was another reason I wanted to keep my parties small and low key. There is a way to go in this flu season.

    Great to hear all the new voices. I agree with coming here versus the other forums. I rarely post on those anymore. I find on those others are quick to judge and get snarky fairly quickly.

    2015 word: strength

    2015 quote "Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite."

    rose.gif MNMargaret
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!
    So far this year my exercise has mainly consisted of climbing up and down from the attic, moving boxes, sorting, piling and trying to make sense of things. I have all my kids' stuff from their growing up -- toys, school papers, cards, and so many photos. I also have boxes of stuff that's ended up here when parents and in-laws have passed or downsized. This is major emotional labour. I am mostly managing not to drown my sorrows with food! Not sweets anyway.
    I'm doing pretty well with my smoothie/day goal. I missed eating a salad yesterday. It is so hard for me to eat vegetables!
    Today I'm going to try the old Macarena Workout. I was so happy to find it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNEtJ3011P4 I need exercise and it can be fun!

    Goals for January 2015:

    drink 8 cups of water (this used to be no problem but a tooth issue put me off it)
    one other vegetable
    exercise class, walk or workout tape (except one rest day)

    make grab and go healthy foods like mini pizzas, muffins (freezable)
    make a pot of veggie soup to eat first when snack attacks hit
    keep a container of cut vegs ready to snack on

    We can do this!

  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    Testing testing testing
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    It's the second day of my Protein Sparing Modified Fast. I did well yesterday, and hope that continues today.

    Good luck, everyone.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Wow we are even chattier than normal! Four pages since last evening!

    I’m sitting here with my knee up; we’re going to take down some decorations in a bit; I’ll do the box packing while sitting down. Gotta work off my big breakfast. For our anniversary (which was in October) we got free biscuits and gravy from our favorite dive restaurant and had them today. Pretty good restraint I’d say waiting this long! I did only have one and a couple of sausage links, so I am hoping that won’t add up to too much! I was getting around 7500 steps routinely before the knee; My goal starting ‘now’ or whenever I can walk…is 7000 a day which I figure means a short walk after dinner in addition to a walk after lunch.

    Marjorie: welcome aboard. Nothing like a health scare to motivate you! I have the digital weight watchers scales and they seem to be accurate; at least they are congruent with other ww scales.

    Joyce: I saw that name and thought “now who is that!” That’s odd; wonder how that name started!

    Robin: I’ve been awol…what are you remodeling?

    Tina: what a fun new years eve! Contemplating retirement is scary to me~

    Katla: yay for riding today. Stay warm. I know what you mean about fitness centers in January. At the Y, we are usually parking in the football field this time of year!

    Lin: yes, it’s a baker’s cyst. Or at least that’s what the dr says it probably is; otherwise it is a meniscus tear. Now I am a non-invasive kind of girl so no surgery for me, so let’s all hope it’s just the cyst. Glad your little one is putting on the pounds. You’re right….it’s that good old breast milk!

    Vicki: I think you’re right about winter being here! I’m with you…what is it with these young guys? Now he is an excellent parent and does way better than DD with the baby, so if he wants to be a house –boyfriend, I guess I’d be ok with it except Tanya doesn’t earn enough for that. DH asked him the other day if his interviewing skills are bad and he thinks they may be. He also says this one place keeps telling him to call back, so he has kind of put all his eggs in that basket and has not been looking too much otherwise.

    Terri: I missed your story but yes it is awful when coaches have favorites and it shows. No one wins that way.

    Sylvia: ooooh hope you feel better soon!

    Sally: love the picture! Your dogs sound amazing. My dogs have always been messed up rescues who worm their way into my heart anyway! We have a rescue beagle right now who doesn’t bark and two rescue cats who are both laying across my bum knee, I guess they think they are providing warmth!

    Yanniejannie: take care of that blood pressure!

    Alison: wow what a crazy night!

    Sue bundle up is right; that really cold weather is heading your way!

    Diana: you’re sick too! Feel better soon!

    Sue: our house is full of all sorts of treats. I always indulge on Christmas eve, Christmas day then freeze them. Indulge again new years eve (I dance all night usually) then NYD then freeze again! That way I can have my treats but they don’t keep hanging around for me to keep eating!

    Janet: yes, Jello pudding comes in diet and it’s delicious. Also you can substitute Truvia for sugar in recipes and they taste just as good. You can also substitute plain yogurt for oil (divide the amount in half; use half to all of it as yogurt depending on consistency. Yogurt is more watery so some recipes you may need ½ the oil)

    Barb: I’m so sorry for your loss. You seem like things are stressful there right now, so take a deep breath! We are here for you!

    Viv: so glad to see you again. Sending you big, big hugs! Cry all you want. You had such a big loss. Xoxo

    Melody: that Macarena video looks like a blast!

    Joyce; nope, you are still kn…whatever!

    OK gals, gotta get up before I get bedsores. I need to drink lots of water to get rid of all my sodium yesterday. Deli meat for lunch and ham for dinner does not a low sodium day make! Too bad for the kitties; I’ll have to evict them off my legs. Take care all. Meg from soon-to-be-snowy Omaha
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I am just getting back in the swing of things including walking Storm daily. Back at the end of August we were attacked by a medium size black dog resulting in a torn ligament in my foot and a week off of work! :# Today, we were challenged by a black Labrador retriever! :# Luckily for me I had been watching some old Dog Whisperer shows on You Tube. I stood my ground and shouted "NO GO HOME!" twice and the dog turned around and went home - Thank God! o:) One of my neighbors told me that she and her small dog were also recently attacked by the first dog and she had been a little frightened to walk anymore. I know exactly how she feels. It is just a shame that there are such irresponsible dog owners ruining our subdivision. :| I wonder how they would have felt if I had let Storm Monster ( who is a 90+ pound Doberman) off his leash and let him follow his instincts for defense? >:)
    Tere (venting here) in RVA
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Viv – Big long hugs for you! You have been through so much! Cry if you need to!

    Linda – Thanks for mentioning the steroids. I’d totally forgotten that in the past few months, I’ve had five steroid injections. They’re not as long acting as taking it orally, but they do affect me regarding hunger and weight loss and you are so right…love those grandchildren!

    Sylvia – Do you have any idea how many calories are in the 321 Cake recipe? I’ve never heard of it, but it sounds really interesting.

    Janet from Myrtle Beach, SC – You are so right, the sleep deprivation was really worth it! Love the grandbabies!

    Joyce - I see you fixed the issue! What happened that you were coming up with another user’s ID? Well, I thought you fixed it, then I see your second post is coming up with the wrong ID again? What’s up?
    Meg – I had a huge issue with a Baker’s cyst behind my right knee. There were times that I could barely walk. Much of it was caused by a meniscus tear. I actually had orthoscopic surgery for meniscus tear twice. Apparently, I tore it and then tore it again. It was so worth having the surgery done. I haven’t had problems with the Baker’s cyst in years now. I was told that the Baker’s cyst was the result of fluid building up due to the inflammation caused by the meniscus being torn.

    Janet – I am an insulin dependent diabetic, so I keep a stash of sugar free Jello on hand. It’s only 10 calories per serving and if I feel I need more, I eat a second one. The jello has to be refrigerated, but there are Snack Pack sugar free jellos that are kept unrefrigerated. The orange flavor has only 5 calories. Jello makes sugar free pudding as well. There are several flavors and they are 60 to 70 calories each. I bought a bunch of the DiVinci and Torini bottles of flavors as well. I sometimes have a shake using sugar free Almond milk (30 calories), Stevia or Splenda as sweetner, sugar free protein supplements (GNC, Chocolite, etc.) I then add some of those flavorings to the protein shake. Some of the protein shakes are meant to be meal replacements so you’re supposed to use 2 or 3 scoops. I try to keep them below 100 calories, so I use only 1 scoop. I hope that helps.

    When I first started mfp, I was so insulin resistant that if my blood sugar was 200, I needed to take 20 units of Novolog (fast acting insulin) to bring it down. That would only bring it down to about 100. Now, for those of you who are nurses, like me, I have NEVER seen a patient who needed to take that much insulin. Last night, due to all the carbs I ate, my blood sugar was 216. I took only 15 units of insulin. At 2 am I woke up feeling weird so I took my blood sugar and it was down to 47. I took 3 glucose tablets and ate a banana. (It was the only thing I could find!) This morning at 10:00 am, my blood sugar was a healthy 92. Yay! I guess what that means is that I’m not nearly so insulin resistant anymore. I think it’s the combination of losing 25 lbs, eating better (most days), and the very little bit of exercise that I’ve started doing. Whatever it is, I am soooo happy! The more insulin my body requires, the less weight I lose, so maybe I’ll actually start losing more weight! Geeze, I surely hope so! Just had to share because I’m so excited!

    Thank you everyone for all the support that you give each and every day. I couldn’t do it without you! Have a very wonderful weekend! Hugs to all you wonderful, beautiful women!

    Barb from South Louisiana
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Tere - My gosh! I'm so sorry about you being attacked. Isn't there some kind of a leash law?