phanmale13 Member


  • Maybe "training" was the wrong choice of words, I can maintain walking at a steady brisk pace - on a level. Where I struggle is when I add terrain, which apparently the July course contains. It's mainly getting back into the routine - on weekdays I leave for work at 8am and return home at around 6.30pm (I'm off this week).…
  • It was 1994 and I had my success printed in the book when it came out! I had to do follow a diet sheet that hadn't been published at the time and give feedback after 4, 8 and 12 weeks. I lost 4 dress sizes and was the slimmest I'd been in years (before and since). Think her stuff is mainly based online now and she still…
  • Been using MFP for years, started 5:2 just over 3 weeks ago, started practicing for a 5k walk yesterday and today purchased a fitbit flex -
  • I've been successful so far 3 weeks into the 5:2 and lost weight and sometimes inches every week. I have a routine cup of tea with milk and no sugar in the morning, but then drink water all day until a 500 cals or less meal in the evening. If I *really, really* crave something that I haven't counted, I hide it away at the…
    in Newbie Comment by phanmale13 March 2015
  • I was sceptical - always been overweight even as a young child and the only diet that *really* ever worked for me was when I was a guinea pig for Rosemary Conley's flat stomach plan. Unfortunately, I now take regular medication and it appears that it's causing a constant battle with my weight - a struggle just to maintain.…
  • I started the 5:2 just over 3 weeks ago as I've tried all sorts of diets and since I've been on meds for bipolar, it seems as fast as I lose, I gain again. I've lost every week so far and also lost an inch off my waist measurements already. I find the fast days quite easy as generally I wake with no appetite, so it's easy…