supermomof00004 Member


  • I typically walk, treadmill, elliptical, and have done Jillian Michels 60 day body shred. This has been a great program, but I am on my 3rd time and around and starting to feel like it isn't as effective and honestly getting bored. Does anyone have any suggestions for good videos or programs for home?
  • Same here. I would like to be added as well. What is everyone doing to get back on track? Are you eating cleaner and working out? What workouts are you in love with?
  • I also need to get back on track. Looking to lose 50 lbs but am going to set 2 to 3 small goals of 10-15 lbs. I have a few big events this year and want to look good. My biggest downfall is Mt Dew and finding time to exercise. Good luck and i want to encourage you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • I have fluctuated all my life but mine was when i was with my boyfriend and we ran into his ex. She looked at me and said to him "this is what you have gone to?" I was humiliated and for days starved myself. He says it doesn't matter but i don't want anyone to look at me like that again. Unfortunately she is my…