wake up call



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    issyjmc wrote: »
    My other big moment was when my 250ish pound, 83yo grandmother was nearing the end of her life. She struggled with mobility, and one day she fell and got herself stuck between the toilet and the wall. It was a major ordeal to get her out because no one could lift her. Once they got her out, there was a lot of talk about getting her a hoist. Watching her have to depend so much on others and seeing how much effort and money it would take just to care for made me realize that I did not want to ever be in that situation. She was never a burden to us, but I know that she felt like she was, and I know that she was embarrassed about it.

    Stuff like that played a role for me as well, and is part of my long term goal to stay an "average size"...I worked in an agency that provided services to people with many different physical disabilities and I met so many younger (50 and under, especially) individuals whose weight was the biggest factor for them re: health and/or mobility.

    My mom is very slightly overweight, but she is AVERAGE/normal size -- she's in her mid 60's and when she was having a full knee replacement I saw how well the doctors and PT people treated her by comparison to how they often treat larger people. Which is sad, but true. At that point I'd lost a lot of weight already and was well on my way -- but I definitely knew then, I needed to get to "normal" and stay there permanently so I won't be the woman stuck on the floor with several strong young paramedics or a crane called in. :neutral_face:

  • ihatebeingfat23
    You are making a move in the right direction. My hubby always says if you are moving you are improvin
  • supermomof00004
    supermomof00004 Posts: 4 Member
    I have fluctuated all my life but mine was when i was with my boyfriend and we ran into his ex. She looked at me and said to him "this is what you have gone to?" I was humiliated and for days starved myself. He says it doesn't matter but i don't want anyone to look at me like that again. Unfortunately she is my motivation.....so the next time we run into her i can say proudly YES!!!
  • ihatebeingfat23
    I have fluctuated all my life but mine was when i was with my boyfriend and we ran into his ex. She looked at me and said to him "this is what you have gone to?" I was humiliated and for days starved myself. He says it doesn't matter but i don't want anyone to look at me like that again. Unfortunately she is my motivation.....so the next time we run into her i can say proudly YES!!!
    Wow I would have said ya I can see why he left you. That is insane you can lose weight but she will always be a f'd up B@tch
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I guess mine was when I got on the scale and it said 180, which is 15 pounds more than I was both times I was 9 months pregnant. Funny thing is that my feet hurt a lot when I was pregnant (I guess from carrying extra weight, but also probably from retaining water in my ankles), but when I was 180 I didn't have foot pain. I knew it was time because I was no longer maintaining but was steadily and slowly gaining and it was adding up over time.
  • DedicatedDreamer5
    Sadly, I feel like I've had lots of oh crap moments! But, I feel like thinking back on the combination really helps motivate me to keep going :)

    My first one was snowshoeing with friends. They invited me to come along, but I literally felt like dying the whole time. I kept having to stop to take a break, and while I thought it was my asthma, it actually was just because I was too overweight and out of shape. I was so embarrassed to slow them down so much, because none of them were tired at all!

    My next moment was when a group of girls in my dorm were all excited about a pair of jeans that fit them all. They begged me to try them on, because they were "sure" they would fit. Yeah. right... I knew they wouldn't fit just looking at them, and I couldn't even get them passed my knees :/ super awkward!!

    And the last one was in a lab at my college. We had to go up and down stairs for 10 minutes and then check how long it took for our heart rate to go back to resting. Well, I was WAY more tired than anyone else on those stairs. And my heart rate took WAY longer to go back to normal. And I realized that I was by far the biggest person in my class.

    I'm trying to get back on track with my weight. Hopefully I can let these oh crap moments motivate me!
  • SJunczyk
    SJunczyk Posts: 430 Member
    Last year I was saying to myself that I don't feel great about how I look. But I didnt actually do anything to change it. I wasn't mentally prepared.
    But this year I changed that. I've decided to be selfish and go out there and get rid of this blubber. I am more prepared than ever and this still shocks me. I still need to motivate myself and push harder. It is only the beginning. But I am doing it for me. I know 170 doesnt seem like much to others, but looking in the mirror...well it just sucks. I don't want to dislike my outer self. So i aim to beat the mirror demon :)