hep275 Member


  • In 2013 I did the Zen Labs c25k which had 8 weeks in the programme. I was 48 yrs old and weighed over 14 stone when I started. I thought I would die several times during the 8 weeks, and repeated some weeks as well. I took part in a Boxing Day charity run of 4miles on 26/12/13 then took a break as I'd fallen in early Dec.…
  • I'm not allowed to wear my fitbit at work so on those days find it difficult to get 10000 steps in - but I have a dog and walk him before and after work. Some days I walk home from work (2.5 miles and add the exercise into MFP) - other days I just make myself go out for a walk in the evening which will, admittedly be…
  • I've been using Fitbit and MFP since 5th Jan and I've lost a stone (and hopefully a bit more when I weigh in tomorrow!) - I'm don't wear my fitbit on days when I'm at work which is usually 3 days a week - but do make sure I get out for a walk when I come home - my calorie allowance is obviously lower those days but most…
  • I'm not overly concerned about the accuracy of the step count but I am trying to walk more every day and my step count, whether accurate or not, does reflect that. I have lost 1stone (14lbs) since 5th jan so I know something is working for me. Try it for a couple of weeks and if you want, you can measure your stride so it…
  • This may or may not help you see what happens when you eat the calories you have 'earnt'. I started the new year weighing in at 15stone 2lbs and am (sadly) 5 ft 2 - i always thought i was 5ft 4!!. Since 5th Jan when I got my fitbit I have lost 14lbs. I am initially aiming at a goal of 11 stone but know I will still be…
  • Found it for the flex - settings, personal info then in the area where it asks whether you are pregnant/nursing, there is an option to set stride and running stride length.
  • Yes I'd like to know how to adjust stride length - I looked at settings, but couldnt see where you do it.
  • thanks for the replies - the conversion thing makes sense - guess I'm just an old fashioned girl wanting to work in imperial!!