What people that have never been extremely overweight don't realize is that the bigger you are, the less people treat you like a person. We get treated like we're stupid, we don't get hired for jobs, we're the butt of jokes. It's a little disgusting, honestly. Then we get all the well-wishers; "Why don't you diet? Why…
Do you have a community fridge? Try looking up "mason jar salads". I made one today with some tuna and lettuce. It's compact, and pretty easy to eat on the go. I've also got a bag of pretzel crisps to give me some crunch in the day. I know you said you don't want to just eat fruits, but if you have a particular smoothie…
I've got well over 100lbs to lose. The people in my life are supportive, but they aren't doing the same things, so it's difficult.