malitesson Member


  • Dairy metabolizes into sugar so its highly recommended that women with PCOS don't eat it. I have always been allergic, but just another reason to be careful. She's actually one of the best Naturopathic Doctors in Alaska and has had lots of success with her patients maintaining this lifestyle or a modified version of it.
  • Sweet Potatoes have a lot more vitamins in them and actually aren't as starchy as a traditional potato.
  • I have actually been Gluten, soy, sugar, grain, and Dairy free for over a year, so I am not new to grain free. I am just really bored and haven't added the legumes in there yet. I don't really like them all that much. I work 3 jobs so cooking on the weekends isn't really feasible at the moment but hopefully shortly it will…
  • The Dr. didn't tell me a time line, but I have another apt in a month. I have already dropped a lot of weight and I'm not concerned with getting pregnant, I just want to mix up the food choices.
  • I will keep listening to the Doc lol..... Those sound amazing. Thank you
  • I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. The Paleo diet has been proven to manage the issues associated the best of all and those are the restrictions associated with the diet program. I am supposed to be very strict for 30 days to get my body use to it and then can modify after.
  • I can't have Gluten, Sugar, Dairy, Starches- except Sweet Potatoes, limit soy and extreme limit on Caffeine. I also can only have between 60-100g of carbohydrates a day. Fruit needs to mostly be berries and citrus or apples.
  • I've had PCOS for 8 years now and I live a primarily Paleo life. Sometimes I indulge in a drink but it shocked me how my body reacted to going Paleo. It might be worth a try.
  • Hi I'm Mali, I have been diagnosed for 4/5 years now but until recently wasn't doing anything to manage it. I have lost 45 pounds on my own but things have slowed and I'm looking to actually take charge of my body and treat without having to see a Dr. I live in Alaska and its basically non existent to have a Dr. here who…
    in New Comment by malitesson January 2015