

  • Can you make a different goal rather than pounds lost? I have a pair of jeans that don't fit and I just try them on once in awhile. I also am making goals of exercising so much a day (being realistic), and logging all of my food. I'm not perfect, so that's something else I struggle with. When I'm not perfect I want to…
  • I think a lot of people do what you describe. I know I do! I think for me...I am finding that I need to take it more slowly instead of suddenly, overnight, becoming this person who works out and eats perfectly every day. Yes, I would love to be that person. I have this fantasy life in which I am thin and healthy and…
  • I'm not an expert on this but my daughter has lots of food allergies and sensitivities. Milk/lactose is the first thing that comes to mind to cause bloating. She also eats these little probiotic bars that she says helps a lot. Be diligent - you will figure it out!
  • Learn how to cook with other spices. I use lots of thyme and parsley and such. I don't know the sodium content of poultry seasoning, but it's vegetarian and adds good flavor. Doesn't sound vegetarian but it is. And there's lots of low-sodium vegetable broths that will flavor soups and rice dishes. I do NOT like sodium-free…
  • OK, so I went back to the goals and saw that I had put I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week. I changed that to 1lb per week and the daily calories went up nicely! haha! And I'm going to pay more attention to the carbs and protein and learn how to adjust it if necessary. THANKS EVERYONE!!!!
  • Hill8570, thanks so much. That's excellent advice and probably the route I'm going to take. I honestly am ready to just change and quit being so impulsive with my health.
  • SkullShank and JennyJay, (I don't know if I spelled the names correctly), thanks for the info. Maybe I WAS too aggressive when answering the questions in the beginning. I want to change my habits - I'm not just trying to lose weight for the sake of losing weight. This feels like full-on hunger. The good news is that I'm…
  • I had been walking before logging onto MFP, but had worked up to an hour walk. The last two days I started getting really tired 45 minutes into the walk, so I was wondering if maybe I wasn't eating enough or maybe not the right stuff. I increased my calories on the days I walked, but maybe I will up them a little more.
  • OK, opened my diary. Please be gentle with me!!!!! I'm not used to sharing this with people, eating in private and such.
  • Agh! People look at other people's diaries??? OK, let me go see if I can open it. I am a vegetarian and don't eat eggs just cuz I don't like them. I'll be right back. I honestly was not paying a lot of attention to the breakdown of carbs and such - just trying not to go over.
  • Wow! You were beautiful in the before photo, but I guess you feel even more amazing now! GREAT JOB! And yes, you're an inspiration!
  • Congratulations!
  • Wow! I'm glad you took the time to share your story! That is one of the most amazing achievements I've ever seen!!!!!!
  • Great job! The photos really show the difference! Congratulations!!!
  • C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!!!!!!!! You look fabulous. Very similar story in some ways. I'm 5'6" and weighed 199 as of last week. I also had the same revelation as you - either do something about it or quit complaining. I'm a bit older - 54 - but as I read your story I saw a lot of my own struggle. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • Congrats! And congrats on the babies!
  • You look absolutely fabulous! Congratulations! And thanks for sharing! I haven't read through the entire thread but I will look for more of your updates.
  • Wow! Congratulations!!!!
  • Great job! I notice when I quit eating processed flours that I feel much better. And I love Dr. Fuhrman. You can probably find Kindle editions of his books priced quite nicely on Amazon. He's been around for awhile. Also, if you have Netflix, there are some documentaries on people who change how they're eating similar to…