caron6055 Member


  • Hi, I'm Caron, I am 52 years old, 5'8" and weigh 217 lbs. I lost it all a couple of years ago with a healthy eating plan, but an operation on my foot and some other health problems led me to put it all back on over the last 18 months. I can't do too much in the way of exercise so it has to be calorie controlled. I would…
  • I stopped logging my exercise as it often seems to indicate that I could eat a lot more calories and still lose weight, but in effect it would mean I lost less, and like you it often put me under my calorie goal. I still do the exercise, just don't log it, it sounds like you are eating enough to me, and losing at a healthy…
  • I also teach my children that there is no such thing as a food that is bad for you if you follow a healthy balanced diet. My son was told off by a teacher for putting my home made steak pie in the healthy zone when asked to place their recent food consumption in healthy/unhealthy bands! He was also told that potatoes are…
  • I'll second the spaghetti squash, its great with pasta, also try cauliflower rice, just blitz raw cauliflower in the food processor and stir fry with a spray of oil and some garlic and it is a delicious substitute for rice without the carbs.
  • For me it was the diagnosis of rhumatoid arthritis, before I used the excuse that it was harder to lose weight at my age, I'm 51, and what did it really matter if I was a bit heavier as I enjoyed my food so much? Now I realise that if I didn't take some of the pressure off my joints and get a whole lot fitter, I could end…
  • Are you including your "extra" calories for excercise when you say you are eating under? I find it's best to ignore these extra calories, if you eat them it negates the excercise benefits to a degree. Also are you definitely including everything you eat and drink and weighing it? It is easy to underestimate the weight of a…
  • I would definitely cut down on the carbs, I don't eat bread, pasta, rice or potatoes during the week, but will allow limited amounts Saturday and Sunday. Try substituting mashed swede for potato or cauliflour rice (raw cauliflour blitzed in the food processor then flash fried with a squirt of low cal oil - surprisingly…