danacbayley Member


  • @Flybeetle I appreciate your insight. I believe I am torn between "thinking " that by eating two adequately satisfying meals a day, I am somehow halting the results and eating too much food and that I "think" results could be seen faster if I only ate once a day. If that makes sense? But then, I get scared of potential…
  • Started if 19/5 on Jan 4. Down 6 pounds. Today I decided to try Omad. Found i was more hungry during the am and early afternoon, drinking only coffee than I was around an hour before my meal at 6pm. I ate a normal/large meal ( full plate - 900 calories ) but feel the like I binged. But, I've eaten way more food at once…
  • I bake it in the oven, scoop it out and serve my home made pasta (tomato) sauce over it with home made meatballs. Delish!
  • Hello Kj and thank you taking the time to reply. I believe the shift room being a family to single mom is what got me here in the first place. Wine and food became my best friends. What you said about using the new single mom and turning it into a positive by focusing on me, for once really resonated with me. Just…
  • Thanks guys! You're awesome! SO much support here already! I think I am going to like this place <3 Best of luck to you all as well.
  • Thanks for the reply and for the advice. I hope I can do this. What are your goals and how long have you been here ? Nice to "meet" you!