It has to be it this time...

Weighed in at my highest this am at 201. After a stressful year that saw my hubby move away 5 hours from me to go to school to become a lawyer, I was left to worry about 3 kids, a house and returning to school to become a paralegal (second career) A former fitness competitor, I am ashamed at what I have become. I begin a new job next week that will see me enduring 12 hour days. I need to drop 40 pounds to get to 160 by the end of April as I have a wedding to attend in Cuba in May. Not to mention, I need to get this done for my mental health. I hope to find motivation through hearing all of your stories.


  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    Well first of all, you're amazing for taking care of 3 kids while going to school, and for supporting your husband's decision to go back to school as well. That's a lot of commitment! Good for you. :) You can absolutely lose those 40lbs! I'm sure it won't be easy, but it sounds like you're used to working hard. You can do this!!!
  • brockettm0503
    brockettm0503 Posts: 5 Member
    Don't be ashamed. I wish you the very best. I have been overweight almost my entire life and have 95 lbs to lose.
  • danacbayley
    danacbayley Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks guys! You're awesome! SO much support here already! I think I am going to like this place <3 Best of luck to you all as well.
  • Check out the Venus community. It is based on calorie education specific for women and combines it with weight lifting. I just started and using that education PLUS mfp I believe will really help to make the difference this time.

    I am at 192 and am aiming for the 150 range so, I feel you. Though my husband is home with 3 kids, he is sick and barely able to participate. I relate to the overwhelming part of balancing kids with long hours and the never ending house work.

    Try to use this new single mom time to structure your day focusing on you. We forget that we need to treat ourselves before we can really take care of others. Maybe you can get excited about how you will use this positive time away from hubby to transform yourself! I see a confident, fitness minded, balanced woman your future.
  • danacbayley
    danacbayley Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Kj and thank you taking the time to reply. I believe the shift room being a family to single mom is what got me here in the first place. Wine and food became my best friends. What you said about using the new single mom and turning it into a positive by focusing on me, for once really resonated with me. Just yesterday, I decided to take that approach instead of the "poor me I miss my husband" and make it about ME. I am hoping the new job will also boost my confidence, making the journey to health, happiness and a fit me a lot easier. Thanks again for our advice!