kim_m_kk Member


  • losing a parent just plain sucks. Take care of you. People make you food because they want to comfort and nurture you. Eat it if that is what you want to do but if not don't feel like you have to. Say thank you - put it away and deal with it later. Freeze it, give it away, take some to to a neighbor or family who needs it…
  • The more I think about it the more I think that Maybe the Ada part only applies to goverment funded entities such as schools so a no go with pf Chang. They can do as they want.
  • Food allergies are covered under ADA. At schools student who have documented medical reasons they can't consume foods such as an allergy or celiac disease must be accommodated for. The school must provide safe food for them to consume. I think this lady might have a case it will be interested to see if she wins. I can't…
  • I often drink my breakfast - but not fruit smoothie as I don't eat fruit - I don't really like most of it. I make a kind of Frappuccino protein coffee drink. Works for me - and it usually takes me a while to drink it. Actually it is 10:57 and I am still drinking this mornings drink. It works for me.
  • Went to the gym this morning and just did the treadmill. I am happy with that. I feel like eating everything today - that is not good. I considered eating the rest of a package of cookies but stopped myself at two. Hopefully I can mange for the rest of the day and tomorrow will be better.
  • you can eat real food and stay in ketosis lots of people do it. I have done it in the past - but not currently doing it. I am staying away from bread, pasta, rice, and white potatoes because they raise my blood sugar but eating lots of vegetables so lowish carb but not truly low carb.
  • I think I lost the thread for a few days - sorry. I am keeping on keeping on. Still going to the gym but having a hard time with my knee being sore a lot. I didn't hurt it at any specific time - I guess just too many years being fat. My plan is just to push on and hopefully as I lose weight and get stronger it will feel…
  • If you eat a high carb or high sugar meal and feel very tired you might want to check your blood sugar. High blood sugar can make you feel tired and carbs tend to raise your blood sugar if you have insulin problems. Could be just normal too - I am no doctor just sharing my experience.
  • I work out in the morning early - before I do anything else. I drag out of bed get dressed drive to the gym and am back before anyone else in the house is even out of bed. I do not eat until I get home. I usually take a bottle of water with me - but that is it until I get home. I don't know if it is right or wrong but it…
  • Maybe eat more often through the day and spread out the carbs. Nuts are protein fat and some carbs they can help and might keep you from needing glucose tablets. Your body will adjust but it takes time. Call the dr if you are having lots of these. I have lived in rural Kansas so I know how hard it is to get specialist.…
  • Thanks for all the advice. I have a chest monitor and use the machine monitor they are usually almost the same. I upped the limit a little today and felt like I had a better work out. I am for sure not fit but there is only one way to get fit right. Exercise so I am working on it.
  • I asked my dr he said exercise is good for you go do it. That was his big help. He did calculate my ideal heart rate and that's was all of his advise
  • I am on the tread mill usually between 30 and 45 minutes. Today I did the elliptical for 5 minutes first and that had my heart rate at 160-170 in less than a minute bi only managed five minutes. Then I did a weight circuit and then the treadmill. When I got on my heart rate was 135 and quickly went to 160. The machine said…
  • On an apple swipe it and a delete button will show press it
  • I turned 40 in July. I joined this sight in 2013 and logged my weight once. that was a huge effort I I came back 11 days ago and so far have been here everyday. I joined a gym and have made it there lots. I am 240lbs. My first goal is to get to 199. I was 198 when I was a senior in high school. That is truly the…
  • I have had a cup of coffee. Two scoops protein powder 1/2 cup milk tablespoon of coco powder and stevia shakes the last few day. I just born it with ice. Almost like Starbucks and keeps me full. Yumm
  • I did a 7 day juice fast last New Years just to see if I could - I could. ( I lost 7lbs) I have maintained my weight now for a while but saying that my weight was 245lbs. I did not enjoy it and I spent a lot of time in the bathroom. We have a good blender now and I often make fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies for my wife…
  • Thanks!
  • I went to the gym for the first time in 20 years on January 6. It was big huge scary. It gets easier everyday. I am starting with what I know and can do. I am doing more everyday and it has actually been fun. I can't believe I said that. I have never in my 40 years said exercise is fun. I go at 5:00 am so it is not very…
  • Why do people say all foods are healthy? That isn't true. You might be able to maintain a healthy body and eat some nonhealthy food but there is nothing healthy about a donut for instance. I don't get how you can say it is. I think that clean eating would mean lower calories and most people would maintain or loose weight…
  • Eat more healthy fats.
  • The way to keep them from going brown is to keep the air off them. So anything that helps with that. If you have guacamole you put the saran wrap touching the guacamole all across the top then put the lid on the container.
    in Avocado Comment by kim_m_kk January 2015
  • wow great job! persistence wins
  • Go to a care now or something like that. Much cheaper than the er. They can check things out and advise you
  • clean eating might not be necessary but it is better for you. I can lose weight eating junk but I won't get healthy.
  • I am a DFW liberal woman as well. I am 40 and have about 100 lbs to lose but would just love to get under 200 at this point then go from there. I started the gym this week and actually went three times. First time at a gym in 20 years. I have done the juice thing before - it is hard. I only lasted 5 days. I sometimes do…