luke6283 Member


  • As prepared as you'll think you are , itll still hit you, just educate yourself on how to deal with it for when it happens...that's how I regained 20 back on track though. Current loss is 140lb including the regain...
  • Well recovery has been slower than I expected. However my drain and staples come out tomorrow and from what I understand I'll feel tons better after that. I also get to start my full liquids tomorrow instead of just clear, so that will help on that end, I am on liquids until the 16th of March due to the hiatal hernia…
  • Everything went well, and they fixed my hiatal hernia and a couple stitches on my umbilical hernia for a temporary fix, they'll fix it all the way once I've lost all my weight. Plus I guess there was another small hernia above my belly button that they sewed up as well. Thanks everyone.
  • I am well, very excited for Tuesday. Thank you
  • You can do it from chrome/internet browser on your phone
  • Thanks for all the replies, that answers my question.
  • I was recently suggested to get the sleeve by my Dr. I keep swaying on the decision I'll read some horror stories and say no, then I'll argue with myself inside my head about food I want to eat and tell myself that is why I need to have it. Having been through all that if you could would you go back and tell yourself no…