I really am into minimal equipment. Mostly use just Dumbbells and body weight. I use Powerblock adjustable Dumbbells they save a ton of space and money, easy to use and are a very reliable. The design is very simple which means they won't malfunction like some of the other tend to do.
There are many great workouts available for free but my favorite is fitnessblender's videos.
Oh my! So I'm not even gonna beat around the bush.... You are so hot!
- finish your last set in the gym and take a huge gulp of water.
Amen to everything you said! Great job man, I'm doing the same as you did. I'm only 12 weeks in. I've got a ways to go.
Realistic goals. Accepting a slower and gradual process. Scheduling work outs. Meal planning. Photo documenting.
Great job so far though! Your willingness to reach out and search for answers is part of the battle. It takes time and focused energy. Don't get discouraged. Start over in the morning and move forward.
You simply aren't in a caloric deficit. Recalculate your needed deficit and count everything you eat. It's really that simple.
And of course fruit always helps also
I'm Not sure if I'm allowed to mention specific products in the mfp forums so I'll be vague in hopes that you can get the clue and search the product I am talking about. There is a whey protein isolate powder that is made to taste almost exactly like many of the popular children's cereal. It is produced by a company based…
I think you are doing great! Slower than faster is better. Also, monitoring progress by feel, look and body measurements is important also. Take pictures and compare as time goes on. You'll notice more changes than just a number on a scale. Keep it up and adopt the lifestyle change. Anyone can diet and lose fat. Pace…
Wow! You look so much younger!
Great job! Congrats on your accomplishments!
You look amazing! Beautiful!
Great job! Very inspiring. I hope you feel great as well!
You look great!
Getting it!
Well hello
South Louisiana, Cajun country!
Looking great! Keep it up!
Add me!
Lafayette, Louisiana
Amazing! You look so alive and your legs are stunning!
Great job!
Every now and then just enjoy eating whatever you want. Eat up to your maintenance or even go over a bit. Doing this even twice a month shouldn't knock you so far off track. Are you really going to live the rest of your life not enjoying brownies and pizza? I guess I can afford it cause im not an athlete or preparing for a…
Well don't be hard on yourself. Learn and move on. Certainly dont make up for binging, thats just throwing a cheap band aid on bigger problem. I cant really relate cause I dont have any true eating disorders so I cant really know how you feel. But I know you can stop it because you are in control of your body. Anyways.…
Awesome! Please keep us updated on further progress!
Its working out great for me. Seems like all things fitness are available in the app.